
Just a small app for an interview test

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Marketing System

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Table of Contents


this is just a small marketing app requested for an interview task

API Documentation Can Be Found on the blank url after the domain ''

Tech Stack

  • python
  • django
  • mysql
  • restful-api
  • postman
  • git
  • github
  • markdown
  • vscode
  • staruml
  • jwt


Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:


first open cmd in the place you want to download the project in then write this commands :

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/suliman-99/marketing-system.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd Marketing-System/Django_Backend
  3. then to install pipenv module by pip just write this command on your cmd

    pip install pipenv
  4. Install the required dependencies using pipenv:

    pipenv install
  5. Activate the pipenv:

    pipenv shell
  6. Create the .env file in "Marketing-System/Django_Backend" folder with this data:

    SECRET_KEY = 'You can get this key by https://djecrety.ir/'
    DATABASE_NAME = 'create a database and put its name here'
    DATABASE_HOST = 'localhost'
    DATABASE_USER = 'user'
    DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'user password'
  7. Migrate the database tables and Run the project:

    • Windows:

      python manage.py migrate
      python manage.py runserver
    • Linux or Mac:

      python3 manage.py migrate
      python3 manage.py runserver

Project stucture

Project Name
│   README.md
│   │   manage.py
│   └───Django_Backend
│   │   
│   └───Marketing_System
    │   ERD.png
    │   UseCase_Diagram.png
    │   Marketing_System.mdj
  • Django_Backend A Folder Conatain the backend django apps
  • Django_Backend/Django_Backend A Folder Conatain the the settings of the backend project
  • Django_Backend/Marketing_System the one and only app in the backend project
  • docs a Folder Contains the diagrams that explain the system requirments
  • docs/Marketing_System.mdj this is the file of the diagrams with StarUML program (windows app)


If you have suggestions for how Marketing System could be improved, or want to report a bug, open an issue! We'd love all and any contributions.

For more, check out the Contributing Guide.


Suliman Awad - sulimanawadstudy@gmail.com - Linkedin

Project Link: https://github.com/suliman-99/marketing-system


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 Suliman Awad

For more, check out the License File.