
Online Music Player and Playlists

Primary LanguageJavaScript


About NoddyMix

Author Nnoduka Eruchalu
Date 04/04/2014
Website http://noddymix.com/

NoddyMix is the source of the latest and greatest from the Nigerian Music Industry. Users can make and share playlists. Logged in users get the additional ability to follow friends and stay updated on friend's activities in realtime

As an added bonus users get to use native-like mobile web-apps thanks to Sencha Touch

Available on Following Mobile Devices

  • iOS 4+
  • Android 2.3+
  • Blackberry OS7+ and Playbook
  • Windows Phone 8

If on Laptop Try the Keyboard Controls:

Button Action
space play/pause
backspace mute
up volume up
down volume down
left prev song
right next song


  • Python
  • MySQL
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • node.js [Used for realtime feeds]
  • Redis [Used for realtime feeds]
  • Amazon Web Services

Software Description

Module Description
middleware.py Mobile browser detection middleware
settings.py Django settings for project
urls.py URL dispatcher for project
utils.py Utility functions useful to multiple Django apps
wsgi.py WSGI config for NoddyMix project
apps/ Django apps with backend logic
apps/account/ User account representation and auth. app
apps/activity/ User site activity app
apps/activity/nodejs Node.js module used for realtime feeds
apps/audio/ Audio songs & playlists app
apps/feedback/ User feedback app
apps/relationship/ User relationships (followings/followers) app
apps/search/ Search engine integration app
static/ static files for project
static/css/ Desktop CSS file
static/img Desktop static images
static/js/ Desktop Javascript file(s)
static/mobile/ Mobile Static files using Sencha Touch (JS, CSS, HTML)
templates/ Django templates used by apps
templates/404.html 404 page
templates/500.html 500 page
templates/headfoot.html base template used by all templates
templates/account/ templates used by account app's views
templates/activity/ templates used by activity apps' views
templates/audio/ templates used by audio app's views
templates/feedback/ templates used by feedback app's views
templates/relationship/ templates used by relationship app's views
templates/search/ templates and indexes used by search app

3rd-party Python Modules

The following modules have been saved in a local folder on PYTHONPATH

3rd-party Javascript Modules

3rd-party node.js modules


Configuration/Settings files

The Django project is missing the noddymix/settings_secret.py file. A template version is included for help in setting up the sensitive information needed by the project.

The Nodejs module is also missing the noddymix/apps/activity/nodejs/config.js file. A template version is included for help in setting up the sensitive information needed by project.

Mobile Static Files Deployment

Add Sencha Touch 2.2.1

Sencha Touch is not included in this repository. You must download it from the Sencha Touch Website and add it to the noddymix/static/mobile/touch folder.

Add Sencha CMD v3.1.2.342

You will also need Sencha CMD to build your application. Downlad it from the Sencha CMD Website

Build for production

Navigate to the directory noddymix/static/mobile/touch and run the command:

sencha app build production

This creates production data at noddymix/static/mobile/build/NoddyMix/production. Navigate to this directory and you will see that there is a file called cache.appcache. The problem is that iPhones seem to only pick up HTML5 cache changes with .manifest and not .appcache. Fix this by running:

mv cache.appcache cache.manifest

Desktop Static Files Deployment

Generating Compressed JS File

Navigate to noddymix/static/js/ you see a number (>10) JS files. To minimize the number of download requests a user's browser has to make, I combine all JS files and gzip it, using following commands:

cat jquery-1.10.1.min.js jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js jquery.tipsy.js apprise-v2.js utils.js contextMenu.js jquery.jplayer.min.js playlist.js global.js > compressed/compiled.js
cd compressed
gzip -c compiled.js > compressed.js
Generating Compressed CSS File

Navigate to noddymix/static/css and you see 1 CSS file. This CSS file is simply gzip'd.

gzip.c global.css > compressed/global.css
Uploading static files

The static images and compressed css & js are uploaded to the appropriate AWS S3 bucket. Django's settings know to pick up files from there when not in DEBUG mode.

Server Setup Notes

These instructions here are what I did on my Webfaction server.

httpd.conf Additions:

Add the following lines to ensure all requests to www.noddymix.com are redirected to noddymix.com.

The mobile web-app will make direct requests to this server (as opposed to AWS S3 bucket) for static files. So redirect those requests to the appropriate production build location.

LoadModule alias_module        modules/mod_alias.so

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.noddymix\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://noddymix.com$1 [L,R=301]

RewriteRule ^/(.+\.swf)$ http://static.noddymix.com.s3.amazonaws.com/$1 [L]

AliasMatch ^/(.+\.css|.+\.js|.+\.png|.+\.jpg|.+\.gif|.+\.json|.+\.html|.+\.manifest)$ /home/nceruchalu/webapps/noddymix/noddymix/noddymix/static/mobile/build/NoddyMix/production/$1

Addtype text/cache-manifest .appcache
AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest

Crontab Additions

Access crontab with:

crontab -e

Edit it to perform following functionality:

  • Setup PATH, PYTHONPATH, NODE_PATH to be used by cron's environment
  • Restart apache every 30 minutes. This ensures minimal downtime (if at all)
  • Run management command to update search indexes every 45 minutes.
  • Run redis and nodejs watchdog scripts every 5 minutes to ensure realtime feed is always running
  • Backup database daily using configurations hidden in config file [some values redacted]

12,32,52 * * * * ~/webapps/noddymix/apache2/bin/start
*/45 * * * * /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ~/webapps/noddymix/noddymix/manage.py update_index > ~/cron/noddymix_update_index.log 2>&1
0 */4 * * * /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ~/webapps/noddymix/noddymix/manage.py rank_songs
*/5 * * * * sh ~/cron/watchdog_redis.sh > ~/cron/watchdog_redis.log 2>&1
*/5 * * * * sh ~/cron/watchdog_node.sh > ~/cron/watchdog_node.log 2>&1
0 2 * * * mysqldump --defaults-file=$HOME/db_backups/<config-filename>.cnf -u <username> <database> > $HOME/db_backups/<backups-root-filename>-`date +\%Y\%m\%d`.sql 2>> $HOME/db_backups/cron.log
Watchdog Scripts

The watchdog scripts are to keep the node.js and redis servers always running. These two services are needed for the realtime feed so downtime isn't acceptable.

Redis Watchdog Script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [ -e "${PIDFILE}" ] && (ps -u $(whoami) -f | grep "[ ]$(cat ${PIDFILE})[ ]"); then
  echo "Already running."
  exit 99

$HOME/bin/redis-server $HOME/redis/redis.conf > $HOME/cron/log/redis.log &

echo $! > "${PIDFILE}"
chmod 644 "${PIDFILE}"
Node.js Watchdog Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [ -e "${PIDFILE}" ] && (ps -u $(whoami) -f | grep "[ ]$(cat ${PIDFILE})[ ]"); then
  echo "Already running."
  exit 99

$HOME/lib/node_modules/forever/bin/forever start -a -l $HOME/cron/log/forever.log -o $HOME/cron/log/noddymix_feed_out.log -e $HOME/cron/log/noddymix_feed_err.log --pidFile $HOME/pid/node.pid $HOME/webapps/noddymix/noddymix/noddymix/apps/activity/nodejs/feed.js


To Run Development Server

python manage.py runserver 0:8000 --nostatic