Minimal Breaking Example for VTerm Resize

This repo provides a minimal breaking example for bug 1927320 in libvterm. Calling vterm_screen_get_text in a damage callback during resize segfaults when the number of rows is decreasing and columns increasing. If the number of columns is increasing, a rect is damaged with the old number of rows after the screen buffer is re-alloced. Since the number of rows is increasing in this case, that means the screen buffer size has already been reduced and accessing cells beyond the new number of rows fails. See log in valgrind.log and output in out.log.

The logs also demonstrate that all other deltas of resizing (decreasing rows while increasing columns, decreasing rows while fixing columns, etc.) support the same usage of vterm_screen_get_text in a damage callback.

Possible Solution

Changing end_row to new_rows instead of old_rows seems safe:

diff --git a/src/screen.c b/src/screen.c
index 19cf384..3baf694 100644
--- a/src/screen.c
+++ b/src/screen.c
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ static int resize(int new_rows, int new_cols, VTermPos *delta, void *user)
   if(new_cols > old_cols) {
     VTermRect rect = {
       .start_row = 0,
-      .end_row   = old_rows,
+      .end_row   = new_rows,
       .start_col = old_cols,
       .end_col   = new_cols,

The next set of lines in screen.c already check if new_rows > old_rows and if so, damages the remaining rows, so even with this change, rows that are newly added will still be damaged.


To replicate run:

make && valgrind \
    --leak-check=full \
    --show-leak-kinds=all \
    --track-origins=yes \
    --log-file=valgrind.log \
    --keep-debuginfo=yes \
    ./main > out.log

The included valgrind.log file includes file names and line numbers from the libvterm library here which was built and installed with flags CFLAGS=-g3 LDFLAGS=-g to include debug info for valgrind.