
Compact, easy-to-maintain unsupervised ER with existing SOTA tech

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


simplER is a novel easy-to-use framework that makes use of Flair for first-pass named entity recognition (NER) and GPT-3.5 for final entity extraction and classification in the text-data and data-data entity resolution (ER) contexts. By first passing observations through Flair, we ensure that only the most difficult-to-classify observations are passed onto GPT-3.5, thereby reducing runtime and increasing the efficiency of the overall simplER framework. Notably, the technologies used in simplER are free and user-friendly, making the entire pipeline easy for an analyst or scientist to implement and maintain for the foreseeable future.

Novel contributions

The contributions of our work are 3-fold:
(1) our solution is highly compact (just ~15 lines of code at its essence) while still minimizing dependencies, doesn’t require any serious hardware (we ran on Colab with the free runtime), and uses free SOTA tech, making it easy to implement and maintain;
(2) our framework includes a novel evaluation of GPT-3.5 on the hardest text-data and data-data matching tasks (where existing NER solutions fail) and
(3) our framework extends beyond public data to "sensitive"/highly local entities (not possible with TDmatch, the baseline method).


We evaluated simplER in both the text-data matching context as well as the data-data matching context to demonstrate it's competitive or outperforms the baseline (TDmatch).

Data to data

  • Fodor-Zagats

"Sensitive" spatial data to "sensitive" spatial data

  • Airbnb-assessors

Unstructured text to data

  • IMDB
  • CoronaCheck