
A forest that visually represents Twitter #'s as forest objects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twitter Forest

Weekly Challenge

Week Nine

The challenge this week was to create an app from scratch. We were assigned teams, and worked on it all week.

Our project was designed to create a forest of trees that grows when a tweet is mentioned.

We'd originally started the project in Rails, but then made the decision to rewrite it in Javascript.

Technologies used:

  • Javascript
  • Jquery
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Twitter API
  • Jasmine for testing

User Stories:

As a user
So that I can track my interests
I'd like to select a hashtag
As a user
So that I can track my interests
I'd like to see a count of tweets with my selected hashtag
As a user
So that I can track my interests
I'd like to see a visual representation of tweets with my selected hashtag
As a member of the woodland folk
So that I can track my interests in an environment that I recognise
I'd like the visual representation to be as a tree in a forest
As a member of the woodland folk
So that I can track multiple interests
I'd like to have multiple trees in my forest