
Demo of vue virtual scroll from scratch

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is demo of how to create infinite scroll in Vue framework from scratch

What is Infinite Scroll ?

We have different patterns for loading endless data for efficiently without affecting user experience, following are 2 most common ones

Virtual Scroll

Infinite Scroll

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:


To get a development environment running, follow these steps:

Creating Virtual Scroll from scratch


  • infinite scroll component should emit an event when the scroll reaches page bottom
  • getting next page of data
  • getting minimum height


Calculating scroll position

  • create isDocumentScrolledToBottom method in DocumentService
  • calculate window scroll position and also minimum space to consider
    public isDocumentScrolledToBottom(minimumSpace: number = 0) {
        const scrollPosition = window.innerHeight + window.scrollY;
        const threshold = document.body.offsetHeight - (minimumSpace || 0);
        return scrollPosition >= threshold;
  • add event listeners to calculate scroll position on scroll event

DocumentService.ts :

    public addEventListener(element: HTMLElement, eventName: string, callback: (event: HTMLElement) => void): void {
        element.addEventListener(eventName, (event: Event) => callback(event.target as HTMLElement));

    public removeEventListener(element: HTMLElement, eventName: string, callback: (event: HTMLElement) => void): void {
        element.removeEventListener(eventName, (event: Event) => callback(event.target as HTMLElement));

InfiniteScroll.vue :

onMounted(() => {
    if (!scrollContainer.value) return;

    documentService.addEventListener(window, "scroll", onScroll);

onUnmounted(() => {
    if (!scrollContainer.value) return;

    documentService.removeEventListener(window, "scroll", onScroll);

Getting next page of data

  • add FilterPagination props to contain filter model inside infinite scroll component

InfiniteScroll.vue :

const props = defineProps({
    filter: {
        type: Object as () => FilterPagination,
        required: true
    scrollThresholdDistance: {
        type: Number as PropType<number>,
        required: false,
        default: 0
  • add scroll event handler
const onScroll = () => {
        emit("onScroll", props.filter);

Getting minimum height

  • we can calculate minimum height from one of the items using ref
    <infinite-scroll :scroll-threshold-distance="400"
                     class="mt-[160px] grid grid-cols-1 p-20 sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-4 sm:gap-4 place-items-center">

        <!-- Location card -->
        <test-card v-for="i in items" :key="i" ref="contentItems"/>


<script setup lang="ts">
    import {onMounted, ref} from "vue";
    import InfiniteScroll from "@/common/components/InfiniteScroll.vue";
    import TestCard from "@/common/components/TestCard.vue";
    const minimumScrollThresholdDistance = ref<number>(0);
    onMounted(() => {
        if (contentItems.value?.length > 0) {
            // Compute minimal scroll distance if elements are loaded
            minimumScrollThresholdDistance.value = documentService.getHeight(contentItems.value[0]);



Infinite scroller result gif