
Create proxy repositories for apt, pypi and maven in a Docker container

Primary LanguagePython

Proxy repository manager

This project allows you to mirror apt, PyPI and Maven repositories in your local server programmatically. Preconfigured container downloads software packages via Nexus. You may configure which packages or how many packages will be downloaded or you may automate the process with a CI tool.


Getting Started


You need Docker to run the project. The following instructions are tested on Debian.

Configure Nexus

Create proxy repos on Nexus according to the following configuration. You may install Nexus as a Docker container, just follow the instructions.

Debian apt package manager






Then, change the IP addresses in each file in configFiles directory with your URLs.


  • After cloning the project, change directory to the folder in which Dockerfile exists.
  • Build a docker image: docker build -t your-image-name .
  • If it is succesfully built, you can view it in the images list by typing: docker images
REPOSITORY                TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
your-image-name           latest              d017f02c1ec8        13 seconds ago      1.17GB

If it fails, be sure that you changed the IP address in /configFiles/sources.list with your own URL.


  • After building the image, you can create a container and connect it: docker run -it --rm your-image-name /bin/bash
  • Change directory to installScripts: cd installScripts
  • To download Debian packages, run the following command:
python debianDownloadMetadata.py && \
chmod +x debianInstallPackages.sh && \
  • debianDownloadMetadata.py script downloads the names of all Debian packages and writes them to debianAllPackagesList.txt. debianInstallPackages.sh script reads the text file and downloads packages. By default, first 10 packages are downloaded but you can change the script to download all packages (just replace for loop with while loop).

  • To download PyPI packages, run the following command:

python pipDownloadMetadata.py && \
chmod +x pipInstallPackages.sh && \
  • pipDownloadMetadata.py script downloads the names of all PyPI packages and writes them to pipAllPackagesList.txt. pipInstallPackages.sh script reads the text file and downloads packages. By default, first 10 packages are downloaded but you can change the script to download all packages (just replace for loop with while loop).

  • To download Maven packages, run the following command:

python mavenDownloadMetadata.py && \
chmod +x mavenInstallPackages.sh && \
  • mavenDownloadMetadata.py script downloads the names of Maven packages in the format of groupId:artifactId:version and writes them to mavenAllPackagesList.txt. By default, artifacts in ant group are downloaded but you can change the group (or use all repo but it is too slow) in the script.


You may add new repositories or improve the existing ones.