
DeepLearning Framework Performance Profiling Toolkit

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

DLPerf - Deep Learning Framework Performance Profiling Toolkit


This repository provides State-of-the-Art classical deep neural network(DNN) models of different deep learning frameworks which are easy to train and deploy, achieving the best reproducible performance with NVIDIA GPU Server Clusters.

DLPerf measures how fast deep learning frameworks can train DNN models, so both DL frameworks and DNN models are involved in this benchmark test.

Evaluated Deep Learning Frameworks

Multiple deep learning frameworks are evaluated in this repository, they are:

  1. OneFlow
  2. TensorFlow 1.x and 2.x
  3. PyTorch
  4. MXNet
  5. PaddlePaddle
  6. MindSpore

More frameworks will be included in the future, such as MegEngine, etc.

Evaluated Deep Neural Network models

There are two main types of model cases tested in this repository, generally including :

  • Common cases

  • Special cases

The first type is classical deep neural network models that used to evaluate the performance of each framework, such as:

  1. ResNet-50 v1.5
  2. BERT-Base

The second type is that some models use special techniques or frameworks with unique implementations, such as implementation of Megatron-LM based on Microsoft's framwork deepspeed, Wide and Deep Learning(W&D) based on HugeCTR(Designed for CTR estimation training and implemented by NVIDIA).

Model Framework Source
Wide and Deep Learning (W&D) OneFlow OneFlow-Benchmark
Wide and Deep Learning (W&D) HugeCTR samples/wdl

In general, there are a lot of different implementations of these DNN models, we choose official benchmark source as well as NVIDIA-DeepLearningExamples. In most cases, we avoid changing the original scripts and codes. If we have to, changes are mentioned in the documents.

More DNN models will be tested in the future.

Benchmark Test Scopes

Each DNN model of a framework should be tested on a multi-node cluster with different batch sizes, XLA enabled or not, auto mixed precision enabled or not.

Multi-Node and Multi-Device

We suggest to perform each test with 1-node-1-device, 1-node-8-device, 2-node-16-device, 4-node-32-device configuration.

Batch Size

In this repository, when talking about batch size, it always means the number of samples per device during training. The total batch size is scaled up with the total number of devices for training.

Because each DL framework has its own device memory management strategy, so the maximum batch size per device is different between DL frameworks. For this reason, we perform several group tests with different batch sizes.

Normally, larger batch size produces better performance.


XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra) is a domain-specific compiler for linear algebra that can accelerate models with potentially no source code changes.

We plan to test these DNN models with or without XLA if the framework supports.


On some NVIDIA GPUs, Automatic Mixed Precision(AMP) uses FP16 to deliver a performance boost of 3X versus FP32.

We plan to test these DNN models with or without AMP if the framework supports.

Median Value Principle

According to chapter Benchmark Test Scopes, each test case varies with following parameters:

  • number of nodes, number of devices
  • batch size per device
  • XLA
  • AMP

Each test case will repeat several times(suggest 7 times). The median value is chose as the final result.


Throughput is the average training samples per second, e.g. images/sec for image classification.

To get a continuous and stable output, first several training steps are ignored. In practice, we ignore 20 training steps of the beginning, and measure the following 100 steps processing time to calculate throughput.

Files and Folders

  • README.md: introduces general information of this repository.
  • NVIDIADeepLearningExamples/: holds the reproducible scripts and test reports for DNN models from NVIDIA DeepLearningExamples, which includes the frameworks (like TensorFlow 1.x, PyTorch, MXNet) and the corresponding models optimized by NVIDIA;
  • OneFlow/: holds the reproducible scripts and test reports for DNN models from OneFlow official benchmark;
  • PaddlePaddle/: holds the reproducible scripts and test reports for DNN models from PaddlePaddle official benchmark;
  • TensorFlow/: holds the reproducible scripts and test reports for DNN models from TensorFlow 2.x official benchmark;
  • PyTorch/: holds the reproducible scripts and test reports for DNN models from PyTorch official benchmark;
  • MxNet/: holds the reproducible scripts and test reports for DNN models from gluon-nlp and gluon-cv;
  • MindSpore/: holds the reproducible scripts and test reports for DNN models from MindSpore official benchmark;
  • reports: holds rounds of DNN's benchmark test reports.

Summary of Latest Test Results(common cases)

This section maintains a summary of the results of the common models.For more details, please refer to reports folder.

Latest Test Report

DLPerf Benchmark Test Report v1.0 on 4 nodes with 8x Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB GPUs each.

DLPerf 性能评测报告中文版 v1.0

ResNet50-V1.5 Training Performance images/sec

Our results were obtained by running the applicable training scripts on 4 nodes with 8x Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB GPUs each. The specific training script that was run is documented in the corresponding model's README. The bsz means batch size per GPU.

The difference between v1 and v1.5 is in the bottleneck blocks which require down sampling. ResNet50 v1 has stride = 2 in the first 1x1 convolution, whereas v1.5 has stride = 2 in the 3x3 convolution

This difference makes ResNet50 v1.5 slightly more accurate (~0.5% top1) than v1, but comes with a small performance drawback (~5% images/sec).

Framework Source FP32 throughput
(img/s) bsz=128
FP32 speedup
AMP throughput
(img/s) bsz=256
AMP speedup
OneFlow OneFlow-Benchmark 12411.97 31.21 33141.02 22.50
NGC MXNet NVIDIA-DeepLearningExamples 11233.92 28.67 30713.68 22.03
NGC TensorFlow 1.x NVIDIA-DeepLearningExamples 9514.64 26.25 [1]29171.69w/XLA
NGC PyTorch NVIDIA-DeepLearningExamples 10917.09 29.72 22551.16 28.09
MXNet gluon-cv 9579.74 24.93 10565.55 12.67
TensorFlow 2.x TensorFlow-models 9418.44 29.27 19314.31 17.96
PyTorch PyTorch-examples 10021.29 28.75 [2] - -
PaddlePaddle PaddleCV 9348.17 26.50 [3]10633.22
MindSpore MindSpore-model_zoo 10731.78 29.02 24183.95 21.67

[1]: AMP throughput of TensorFlow 1.x is obtained with or without XLA and using bsz = 224, because when bsz = 256 OOM (out of memory) will be encountered.

[2]: The PyTorch official benchmark repository PyTorch-examples does NOT support AMP, we will use NVIDIA-APEX plug-in for testing in the near future.

[3]: The AMP throughput 10633.22 img/s of PaddlePaddle is obtained with bsz = 224 and without DALI, because when bsz = 256 OOM will be encountered. The throughput 11617.57 img/s is obtained with bsz = 196 and with DALI-paddle plug-in because using DALI will occupy more GPU device memory, so bsz = 224 or 256 both encounters OOM. The official data 28594 img/s provided by PaddlePaddle is tested on V100 32G and the PaddlePaddle docker image with DALI not released, so we cannot replicate this result. If anyone can help us improve PaddlePaddle test results, please contact us by issue.

BERT base Pretraining Performance sentences/sec

Our results were obtained by running the applicable training scripts on 4 nodes with 8x Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB GPUs each. The specific training script that was run is documented in the corresponding model's README. The bsz means batch size per GPU.

Framework Source FP32 throughput
FP32 throughput
AMP throughput
AMP throughput
OneFlow OneFlow-Benchmark 4664.10
3689.80 15724.70
NGC TensorFlow 1.x NVIDIA-DeepLearningExamples 3089.74
2727.90 11650.0w/XLA
5189.07W/O XLA
NGC PyTorch NVIDIA-DeepLearningExamples 3039.3
2885.81 10349.12
PaddlePaddle PaddleNLP 3167.68
2073.60 5452.35
OneFlowW/O clip OneFlow-Benchmark 4799.64
4019.45 17210.63
[5]MXNetW/O clip gluon-nlp 4340.89
3671.45 14822.31
TensorFlow 2.x TensorFlow-models 2244.38
1551.52 4168.79
MindSpore MindSpore-model_zoo 3051.3
2457.8 6068.55

[4]: AMP throughput of TensorFlow 1.x is obtained with or without XLA.

[5]: The MXNet BERT script of the gluon-nlp repository does NOT support clip_by_ global_norm operation in Adam optimizer. W/O clip_by_global_norm operation, the throughput will be larger and the the fine-tuning accuracy may be lower. So we also tested OneFlow data W/O clip operation for comparison.

Other Test Results(special cases)

This section maintains the results of the special case models:

  • WideDeepLearning,
  • InsightFace,
  • Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT).

Wide and Deep Learning

on 4 nodes with 8x Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB GPUs each.

Framework Version Source
OneFlow 0.2.0 OneFlow-Benchmark
HugeCTR 2.2 samples/wdl

Training Performance

We take GPU memory usage and latency(the time consumption of each iter) as the standard of performance evaluation.

Our results were obtained by running the applicable training scripts on 4 nodes with 8x Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB GPUs each. In addition, the main parameters are as follows:

batch_size = 16384, deep_embedding_vec_size = 32, hidden_units_num = 7

deep_vocab_size OneFlow Latency per Iteration / ms HugeCTR Latency per Iteration / ms OneFlow Mem Usage / MB HugeCTR Mem Usage / MB Mem Usage Ratio
3200000 22.414 21.843 1,115 3217 35%
6400000 22.314 26.375 1,153 4579 25%
12800000 22.352 36.214 1,227 7299 17%
25600000 22.399 57.718 1,379 12745 11%
51200000 22.31 OOM 1,685 OOM -
102400000 22.444 OOM 2,293 OOM -
204800000 22.403 OOM 3,499 OOM -
409600000 22.433 OOM 5,915 OOM -
819200000 22.407 OOM 10,745 OOM -
  • notes:OOM is the abbreviation of out of memory, which means an error is reported due to insufficient GPU memory


on 1 node with 8x Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB GPUs.

Framework Version Source
OneFlow 0.3.4 oneflow_face
deepinsight 2021-01-20 update deepinsight/insightface

Max num_classes

node_num gpu_num_per_node batch_size_per_device FP16 Model Parallel Partial FC OneFlow num_classes MXNet num_classes
1 1 64 True True True 2000000 1800000
1 8 64 True True True 13500000 12000000

Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)

Following figure shows the achieved floating-point operations per second for both OneFlow-GPT and Megatron-LM on a claster with 4 Nodes (each equiped with 8x Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB GPUs and InfiniBand 100 Gb/sec ethernet connection). All results show that OneFlow-GPT has better performance than Megatron-LM under the same environment. Please find more detail in DLPerf GPT Benchmark Test Report.
