

ElectrifyIt-Backend is a backend service for a ElectrifyIt Dashboard.


To install UnstopBackend, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone

Database and Server Configuration for Development Environment

To set up the project in your local environment, configure the .env file as follows:

  1. Create a file named .env in the root directory of the project.

  2. Add the following content to the .env file:

    # Environment variables for development

The application provides the following endpoints:

API Endpoints

This API endpoint allows you to upload a CSV file of vehicle data all at once. The data will be updated in the database, and if there are duplicates, an error will be thrown, and the data will not be saved.

  • Retrieve Vehicle Details: This feature provides detailed information about a vehicles.

    • Method: GET
    • Endpoint: http://localhost:8084/api/vehicle/listing?frequency=&startDate=&endDate=&page=2
    • Request PARAMS:
        "frequency": "Weekly/Monthly/Daily",
    • Response Sample:
      "status": "00",
      "message": "success",
      "frequency": "Daily",
      "page": 2,
      "data": [
              "_id": "DKVXAZX",
              "licensePlate": "DKVXAZX",
              "make": "Tesla",
              "VIN": "XT2C6LXFPMZDL5U7E",
              "model": "Semi Delivery Event, 2022",
              "type": "Truck",
              "date": "2023-06-21T00:00:00.000Z",
              "milesDriven": 216,
              "__v": 0
              "_id": "6CNVB44",
              "licensePlate": "6CNVB44",
              "make": "Tesla",
              "VIN": "9RUB6H2FVUJTKLGCY",
              "model": "Semi Delivery Event, 2022",
              "type": "Truck",
              "date": "2023-07-12T00:00:00.000Z",
              "milesDriven": 227,
              "__v": 0
              "_id": "V9VRV6W",
              "licensePlate": "V9VRV6W",
              "make": "Nikola",
              "VIN": "B6ZUK9L6SGT6XSPS5",
              "model": "TRE BEV, 2022",
              "type": "Truck",
              "date": "2023-07-12T00:00:00.000Z",
              "milesDriven": 194,
              "__v": 0
              "_id": "CCXLDHK",
              "licensePlate": "CCXLDHK",
              "make": "Ree",
              "VIN": "NKBLJY7U4FH1JB9A3",
              "model": "P7 chassis cab 2023",
              "type": "Van",
              "date": "2023-07-18T00:00:00.000Z",
              "milesDriven": 131,
              "__v": 0
              "_id": "AP4U9NW",
              "licensePlate": "AP4U9NW",
              "make": "GM Envolv",
              "VIN": "4J9F9YRCW8T4TE2XN",
              "model": "Brightdrop zevo 600, 2022",
              "type": "Van",
              "date": "2023-07-28T00:00:00.000Z",
              "milesDriven": 272,
              "__v": 0
              "_id": "70GRUG7",
              "licensePlate": "70GRUG7",
              "make": "GM Envolv",
              "VIN": "GSG9NBPHH2ME514SM",
              "model": "Brightdrop zevo 600, 2022",
              "type": "Van",
              "date": "2023-07-29T00:00:00.000Z",
              "milesDriven": 106,
              "__v": 0
              "_id": "RTDZGM0",
              "licensePlate": "RTDZGM0",
              "make": "Nikola",
              "VIN": "2378NJU70BE767K6X",
              "model": "TRE BEV, 2022",
              "type": "Truck",
              "date": "2023-08-14T00:00:00.000Z",
              "milesDriven": 109,
              "__v": 0
              "_id": "X0H4BN8",
              "licensePlate": "X0H4BN8",
              "make": "Tesla",
              "VIN": "3Z61XGUCJW9W05152",
              "model": "Semi Delivery Event, 2022",
              "type": "Truck",
              "date": "2023-08-14T00:00:00.000Z",
              "milesDriven": 277,
              "__v": 0
              "_id": "T6RNLJT",
              "licensePlate": "T6RNLJT",
              "make": "Nikola",
              "VIN": "AKKW83X3HCUNF22CE",
              "model": "TRE BEV, 2022",
              "type": "Truck",
              "date": "2023-08-15T00:00:00.000Z",
              "milesDriven": 252,
              "__v": 0
              "_id": "335BG7L",
              "licensePlate": "335BG7L",
              "make": "GM Envolv",
              "VIN": "3JY7YLB7PM3TKL7CP",
              "model": "Brightdrop zevo 600, 2022",
              "type": "Van",
              "date": "2023-08-30T00:00:00.000Z",
              "milesDriven": 204,
              "__v": 0

} ``` Certainly, here's a revised version:

This API endpoint provides details about a vehicle based on the selected parameters such as frequency, which can be Monthly, Weekly, Daily, or Yearly. The date is calculated relative to the current date; for example, 'Weekly' corresponds to data from the past 7 days.

Future Enhancements

  • Setup a Proper GraphQL Database: For future improvements, I plan to implement the backend using GraphQL to handle data more efficiently.


Contributions to ElectrifyIt-Backend are welcome.