In several parts of the world, there is an increasing elderly population and they are being isolated, having difficulties performing daily tasks and activities. This is actually an ongoing problem before the pandemic, but when COVID-19 hit, it got worse. We hope that by connecting available proactive young adults to help out with the seniors in their community, we can foster an environment where the elderly won’t be isolated from the community and can form and maintain relationships with the younger generations. There is so much wisdom and meaningful experiences that seniors can share with the younger generation and we hope this website can help foster the connectivity and sharing of meaningful experiences too!
- Connect seniors with young volunteers
- Have a clean, user-friendly UI to make it accessible and easy for the seniors to interact with the website
We aim to create a website that connects seniors with young volunteers to help them with their daily tasks, activities and also have a buddy to talk to when they want company.
- Suma Shreya (S20180010170)
- Prahitha Movva (S20180010108)
- Jagruthi Dandamudi (S20180010043)
- Hemanth Pasupuleti (S20180010131)
- Deepak Valluri (S20170010171)