
Voice Controlled Shell

Primary LanguagePython



Voice-Controlled Shell is a python based personal assistant to execute bash commands/scripts from voice.


  • Python 2.x/3.x
  • Google TTS
  • Speech_Recognition (Google STT)
  • PyAudio


For Debian-based systems:

Update system packages

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Install pip

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential
sudo easy_install pip

Install required libraries

sudo apt-get install libasound-dev portaudio19-dev libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libav-tools
sudo pip install pyaudio
sudo pip install SpeechRecognition
sudo pip install gTTS


git clone https://github.com/saadismail/Voice-Controlled-Shell
cd Voice-Controlled-Shell
python main.py OR python2.7 main.py

This is how a sample coversation goes:

  • You: “hello”
  • Assistant: high beep
  • You: speak your command
  • Assistant: low beep
  • Assistant: speaks the response

Valid commands

Commands Description
shutdown shutdown the PC immediately
list files List all files
list formated files List all files in long format with permission
list file permissions List all files in long format with permission
list hidden files list hidden files
current working directory Present Working Directory
where I am standing Present Working Directory
what is the date today Tells the date
what is the day today Tells the day
what is the time Tells the time
calendar Displays the calendar
what is the username tells the user name
create a random file create a file with timestamp name
go to home directory go to home directory
go to root directory go to root directory
go to my directory go to home directory for the current user
run ps snapshot of current processes
show network status network configuration
create a link create a shortcut
delete a file delete a file
remove a file delete a file
create a file create a new file
just open nano editor open nano
just open gedit editor open gedit
just open sublime editor open sublime (subl)
open nano editor open nano with specified name
open gedit editor open gedit with specifed name
open sublime editor open sublime (subl) with specifed name
tell me the file type displays a file type of specifed name
maunal manual of any command
what is the status and configuration of network Displays status and configuration of network
make a new directory make a new directory
login as root user login as root user
list users list all users
list all users list all users
list user list all users
add user for login add users for login
delete user delete user
permanent delete user delete user with its home directory
remove user from home delete user home directory if it is previously deleted
who created you tells the description of Awesome Group