
Contribute to open source is always fun . Here beginner can contribute to open source just by doing some simple task you need to submit your name and quotes you love

Primary LanguageHTML

Hacktoberfest-2021 Quotes website through my Friends

Contribute to open source is always fun . Here beginner can contribute to open source just by doing some simple task you need to submit your name and quotes you love

#################--------- Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community. Whether you’re a seasoned contributor or looking for projects to contribute to for the first time, you’re welcome to participate.-----------#####################

-------------------------------------------------Process to follow to contribute to open source -------------------------------------

Let's make a beautiful website full of quotes .

step1:signup with your Github or gitlab Account. at https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/
step2:go to the repository https://github.com/suman-shah/Quotes-website-by-friends step3:click on fork button at to right corner to fork the project. step4:add your name and your Quotes .

Add in this code part first copy and paste in another line and change it :


Quotes I Love:

Step5:click contribute and click on create pull request Step6:commite your change . Step7:submit .