Downloading Air Quality Data from TDS (THREDDS Data Server)

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This project helps to download air quality forecast data from THREDDS Data Server. The THREDDS Data server is hosted by ICIMOD. Use the link below to access the thredds data server.

How to download the forecast data


There are three function downloadGEOSData, downloadWRFCHEMNepal, downloadWRFCHEMHKH

downloadGEOSData function

This function helps to download the GEOS forecast data.

downloadGEOSData(folderCompletePathToSave, Pollutant, StartDate, EndDate)

folderCompletePathToSave:(String type) Example:'/home/username/downloadFolder'(incase of Linux). If you are using windows use 'E:\downloadFolder' (This is just a example. You use any partation or location)

Pollutant: (String type) Example 'NO2'. Note use following code for different pollutant ('CO', 'NO2', 'O3', 'PM', 'SO2')

StartDate:(String type) format 'YYYY-MM-DD' Example: '2022-09-01'

EndDate:(String type) format 'YYYY-MM-DD' Example: '2022-09-20'

downloadWRFCHEMNepal and downloadWRFCHEMHKH

This function helps to download WRFChem model data for different domain(HKH, Nepal)

downloadWRFCHEMHKH(folderCompletePathToSave, StartDate, EndDate)
downloadWRFCHEMNepal(folderCompletePathToSave, StartDate, EndDate)

folderCompletePathToSave:(String type) Example:'/home/username/downloadFolder'(incase of Linux). If you are using windows use 'E:\downloadFolder' (This is just a example. You use any partation or location)

StartDate:(String type) format 'YYYY-MM-DD' Example: '2022-09-01'

EndDate:(String type) format 'YYYY-MM-DD' Example: '2022-09-20'

Note: If you get any problem downloading the data. Please write to