
Helm charts for Openstack

Primary LanguageSmartyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A collection of Helm charts to install and maintain a core Openstack IAAS platform on Kubernetes.

Includes charts for Openstack

  • Barbican
  • Cinder
  • Designate
  • Glance
  • Horizon
  • Ironic
  • Keystone
  • Manila
  • Neutron
  • Nova

And infrastructure components

  • Postgres
  • Mariadb
  • RabbitMQ
  • Memcached

The charts themselves will not install and run directly. They are included in the "openstack" chart as requirements, the openstack chart is effectively an abstract region and is intended to be required by a concrete region chart. There is an example region included 'europe-example-region' and this chart is used to provide region specific values/templates such as passwords, certificates, region hardware pods and configuration.

In general the following approach is used to determine where values are set/overridden :

  1. Only used in chart and not sensitive data > set as chart value
  2. Shared by two or more charts and not sensitive data > set in openstack chart as global value
  3. Only used in chart and sensitive data > stored in region values and overridden as a chart value
  4. Shared by two or more charts and sensitive data > stored in region values and overridden as a global value

The region charts then contain all sensitive data and can be secured separately to the generic charts.

We use images based on a Kolla build, but we've dropped their Ansible approach to orchestration/config management in favour of Helm and native Kubernetes specs. We also have a number of vendor and self developed extensions, especially for Neutron, which are build into our images (you can see reference to many of these in the configuration files/values).

To install, from the repository root

helm install [region release name] --name [region chart name] --namespace [kube namespace]

This is likely to fail due to this issue. You will need a tiller version with this commit or later.

The 'build' process is a little cumbersome, we wanted to keep config, patches and custom start scripts in plain text, rather than directly in a template. We hope this (helm/helm#950) feature request will simplify our processing.

Node Affinity

We have two use cases for exclusive nodes:

  • Hypervisor
  • Network

Only specific pods should be scheduled to these nodes. We will achieve this by tainting the nodes:

kubectl taint node network0 species=network:NoSchedule
kubectl taint node network1 species=network:NoSchedule
kubectl taint node minion1  species=hypervisor:NoSchedule
kubectl taint node storage0 species=swift-storage:NoSchedule

Now nothing can be scheduled there. Pods that should be able to go to this need to have a toleration added.

  scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerations: '[{"key":"species","value":"hypervisor"}]'

These pods could still go to any node though. We need to confine KVM pods to the hypervisors and neutron agents to their dedicated network nodes. We do this by labeling the nodes:

kubectl label master0 species=master
kubectl label network0 species=network
kubectl label minion1  species=hypervisor

also every node gets one of these labels as per usage:

kubectl label master0 zone=farm
kubectl label network0 zone=petting-zoo

and a failure-domain as per datacenter:

kubectl label master0 failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone=eu-de-1a
kubectl label master1 failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone=eu-de-1b

Then add selectors to the pods:

    species: hypervisor
    kubernetes.io/hostname: minion1

To lock pods onto a particular node we do:

    kubernetes.io/hostname: minion1


While generally patches should be integrated in the image used, we provide a pattern to apply patches on the start of a container via configMaps. The startup script will try to apply all files matching the pattern /*-patches/*.patch to the kolla venv site-packages directory. Patches, where the first file does not seem to match any existing file will be silently ignored.

The files have to be unified diff, containing the relative path to the base directory of the package. The most basic way do to so is running diff -ruN <original.dir> <patched.dir>. If the changes are in a git repository or any other source-control system, you have an easier way to generate the output. For git, you can simply to a git diff <ORIGINAL>:<PATCHED>, or git format-patch -o <helm-directory>/patches <ORGINAL>:<PATCHED> .

You still have to add the patches to either the config-map specified in the deployment, or amount another configmap ending in "-patches" containing the files.