
opensource rails API only app for community events

Primary LanguageRuby


opensource rails API only app for community events

Dev Reference

REFRENCE: https://medium.com/otavio-henrique/creating-simple-rest-api-with-rails-5-1ba71b37cad

Creating API only app

rails new library --api -d postgresql -T

Installing Rspec

group :development, :test do gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.6' end

Add factory girl to your gemfile

gem 'factory_girl'

Setting API Versioning

gem 'versionist'

Creating Database

rails db:create

Starting Rails App

rails s

Creating version in a namespace in routes.rb

rails generate versionist:new_api_version v1 V1 --path=value:v1

Model Creation Sample (Auto foreign key and association created)

rails g model Product name:string description:text amount:integer admin:references

Defining resources in routes.rb

resources :books

Making Controllers and views with scaffold

rails g controller super_admin/admin index show new create edit update destroy

Model Creation Sample (Auto foreign key and association created)

rails g model Product name:string description:text amount:integer admin:references

removing columns from table using migration

rails generate migration RemoveAdminIdFromAnimals admin_id:bigint

add column in table using migration

rails generate migration add_email_to_users email:string

update column name - rails g migration UpdateColumnVendors

rename_column :table, :old_column, :new_column


products = Product.joins(:types)

update column type to datetime - rails g migration change_date_string_to_datetime

def change remove_column :payments, :date add_column :payments, :date, :datetime end


Rails ERD - Generate Entity-Relationship Diagrams for Rails applications https://github.com/voormedia/rails-erd Run: bundle exec erd