Show the example of how to using fusioncharts-free in rails 3.2 

1. In app/assets (add jquery and rails.js)
      |_ javascripts
            |_ jquery.js // version need to be > 1.6
            |_ rails.js
            |_ FusionCharts.js (load from

2. In Public (add FusionCharts folder)
        |_ FusionCharts (load from
              |_ Charts
                    |_ FCF_Area2D.swf
                    |_ FCF_Bar2D.swf
                    |       .
                    |       .
                    |       .
                    |_ FCF_StackedColumn3D.swf

Thank you fusioncharts for beautiful and attractive graph, 
which allow developer like us be able to generate the garph easier.