SimSat is an tool for synthesizing winning strategies to logical games.
The strategy synthesis algorithms are implemented in duet. This repository contains the ark library of duet along with a command line interface to the strategy synthesis algorithms.
Duet depends on several software packages. The following dependencies need to be installed manually.
- opam (with OCaml >= 4.02 & native compiler)
- GMP and MPFR
- MathSAT version 5.3.14 (version 5.4 is incompatible)
On Ubuntu, you can install these packages (except Java and MathSAT) with:
sudo apt-get install opam libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev
On MacOS, you can install these packages (except Java and MathSAT) with:
brew install opam gmp mpfr
Next, add the sv-opam OPAM repository, and install the rest of SimSat's dependencies. These are built from source, so grab a coffee — this may take a long time.
opam remote add sv git://
opam install ocamlgraph batteries oasis ppx_deriving Z3 apron ounit menhir mathsat OCRS
After SimSat's dependencies are installed, it can be built using make
SimSat is a satisfiability testing procedure for quantified formulas in linear integer arithmetic and linear rational arithmetic. It accepts input in SMT-LIB2 format, and can be executed as follows:
simsat.native -sat FILE.smt2
A quantified formula can be viewed as a game between two players -- SAT and UNSAT -- whose goals are to prove that formula is satisfiable / unsatisfiable, respectively. The SimSat algorithm is based on synthesizing a winning strategy for one of the two players by mutually improving strategies for both. The procedure is described in
- Azadeh Farzan, Zachary Kincaid: Linear Arithmetic Satisfiability via Strategy Improvement. IJCAI 2016.
SimSat is also capable of synthesizing winning strategies to satisfiability games as well as reachability games. It accepts satisfiability in SMT-LIB2 format (with a mandatory .smt2 file extension), and reachability games in a format that will be described below (with a mandatory file .rg extension). To synthesize a strategy, execute simsat as follows:
simsat.native -sat FILE.[smt2|rg]
vars: <var-list> # comma-separated list of variables
init: <formula> # formula describing initial positions of the game
safe: <formula> # formula describing moves of the safety player
reach: <formula> # formula describing moves of the reachability player
The init formula is defined over the variables that appear in 'vars'. The safe and reach formulas are defined over the variables in 'vars' plus primed copies. For example, if vars is x and y, then safe and reach are formulas over the vocabulary {x,y,x',y'}, and safe (reach) may move from (a,b) to (a',b') exactly when the the formula safe is satisfied by the assignment { x -> a, y -> b, x' -> a', y' -> b' }.
The syntax of formulas is as follows:
<formula> ::= <formula> && <formula> | <formula> || <formula>
| !(<formula>) | ( <formula> )
| <term> <= <term> | <term> < <term>
| <term> >= <term> | <term> > <term>
| <term> = <term>
<term> ::= <int> | <var>
| <term> + <term> | <term> - <term>
| <term> * <term> | <term> / <term>
| ( term )