This is a gathering cheatbooks repo for python, data science and machine learning, and just for study, not for commercial use.
Notes: All Copyrights are reserved by original authors.
Now it consists of follows:
- python-cheatsheet-master
- Keras_Cheat_Sheet_Python.pdf
- Numpy_Python_Cheat_Sheet.pdf
- Pandas.pdf
- PySpark_Cheat_Sheet_Python.pdf
- Python Cheat Sheet.pdf
- Python For Data Science Cheat Sheet.pdf
- Python_Matplotlib_Cheat_Sheet.pdf First
- Python_Pandas_Cheat_Sheet_2.pdf
- Python_SciPy_Cheat_Sheet_Linear_Algebra.pdf
- Scikit_Learn_Cheat_Sheet_Python.pdf
- Tensorflow.pdf
- mementopython3-english.pdf
- numpy-cheat-sheet.pdf
- opencv_cheatsheet.pdf
- more