
Primary LanguagePython

Coverage Status

Amity Space Allocation

Amity is a Python Console Application manages Andela's facilities called Amity. Amity creates rooms which can be offices or living spaces. An office has maximum of 6 people allocated to it. A living space can accommodate maximum of 4 people.Amity also creates and allocates a person rooms. A person to be allocated could be a fellow or staff. Staff cannot be allocated livingspaces. Fellows have a choice to choose a living space or not. This system will be used to automatically allocate spaces to andela employee


Clone this repo: https://github.com/Andela-Sumba/CP1-amity.git

Navigate to the CP1-amity directory $ cd CP1-amity

Create a vitual environment: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/userguide/

install packages:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Run tests using the following command:

$ nosetests --verbose


to launch the app go to your terminal and enter the following command: $python app.py -i


To get started, type 'help' to see a list of available commands

Create room

Usage: create_room <room_name>... [--ls | --o] This command creates rooms in Amity. By default, this method will create an office/offices unless '--ls' is specified

Add person

Usage: add_person <role> <firstname> <surname> [<accommodate>] The <role> argument specifies the role of the person being added which can either be 'Fellow' or 'Staff'.

The <accommodate> argument tells the system whether or not the person being added wants a room or not. It only accepts 'Y' or 'N' characters which stand for 'Yes' or 'No' respectively. It is an optional argument and its default value is 'N'.

Get Person's ID

Usage: get_id <firstname> <surname> This command gets the person's unique identification number that is important when reallocating the person

Reallocate Person

Usage: reallocate_person <id_no> <room_name> This command reallocates a person to a new room or different room the command take <id_no>, unique identifier for people in amity <room_name>: name of the room to be reallocated to

Load People

usage: load_people <filename> This command loads people to amity from a txt file <filename>

Print allocations

usage: print_allocations [--o=filename] This command prints out all the allocations done by amity and saves them to a text file using the argument [--o=filename]

Print Unallocations

usage: print_unallocated [--o=filename] This command prints out all unallocated people in amity and also save the output to a text file using the argument [--o=filename]

Print Room

usage: print_room <room_name> This command prints out all the members of the room specified <room_name>

Save State

usage: save_state [--db=sqlite_database] This command saves all the data in amity to a database. By default the app save to the database amity.db but can be specified using [--db=sqlite_database]

Load State

usage: load_state [--db=sqlite_database] This command load saved data from a specified database, by default the database is amity.db but can be specified using [--db=sqlite_database]