
Processing.js code to modulate colors according to the time of day

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


••• What color is it? •••

••• Processing.js code to modulate colors according to the time of day

A clock that changes colors progressively with the passing of time (en)

Um relógio que muda de cor progressivamente com o passar do tempo (pt)

Version: 0.1 beta (.js) Release date of this version: December 29th 2014

      This software is based on What color is it, a project by http://scn9a.org/
      This version implements a different algorithm to translate time into colors
      The original project can be found here: http://whatcolourisit.scn9a.org/

Developed by: SUMBIOUN [at http://sumbioun.org/]

Programmer: pedro veneroso [at http://pedroveneroso.com/]

Get in contact at people@sumbioun.org

License: GNU GPL v3.0
Read the license at:

Indie software sketch developed in December, 2014
Belo Horizonte, Brasil

at http://whatcolorisit.sumbioun.com/

Free to copy, modify and distribute.