
React App built for Hackerearth's Sumologic Frontend Hiring Hackathon.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sumo logic Hiring Hackathon problem statement.

Create a pseudo web app file browser. Should let users create and display nested project structures and provide file handling functionality.

Minimum Requirements:

-Show the file browser with proper indentation based on nesting. ---Default state for every folder is closed. ---View can have multiple folders. ---Use data in the file provided for rendering the view.

-Add the file/folder inside any folder. ---A way to show the file, No need to create an actual file, Just create a dummy file item, Show that file as an item in the folder.

-Delete any file/folder, implement TrashBin.

-View and see the detial of of the content. ---Created at/Updated at, Owner etc ---Search view for searching files/folders/


-Update any file and folder(name of file/folder) -Restore/empty operation from trash. -Drag and drop moving of file. -Recently viewed.


-Update/Delete/add/get it O(1) -Infinite Scroll -Keyboard Handling -Use local storage for persisting data.

Expectations -Implement using Json. -CRUD folder and files. -Drag and Drop. -Long/Short in local storage and load them on demand. -All Crud operations mentioned above should happen update shortjson in local storage. -Infinite scroll on long json.

Long Json http://hck.re/jimM8z Short Json http://hck.re/yNa9a3