Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members. We have built Sign-up/Sign-in page, Home page, profile page which are fetched by our own made API from backend server. We would thank a well known open source management tool — “GIT” which made storing and modifying all the files in an organized branches.
Our team was given a task to clone the Website.
The home page was well-designed and show all the posts uploaded by the users. The entire project’s CSS properties was designed adeptly.
In Sign-up page new users can create their own account where the user can experience the App in much simpler way. This basically makes easier for the user to make their preferences which can be stored in the database and display the posts based on their preferences. In Sign-in page already registered user can login into the website using their login credentials.
After Login user direcly redirect to home page.
There are some Key Features which are added in website clone such as:
- Dark & Light Theme
- Comment on Post
- Like and Dislike Post or Comment
- Get to Know who has Liked your Post
Execute the commands mentioned below one by one in your command line. Cloning
git clone
To run the react app execute below command
cd ./reddit-clone
npm install
npm run start