
Point at a test and run it from your editor.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Find a test path name by pointing at it inside your editor.

class MyTest(TestCase):

    def test_something(self):
        self.assertEqual(2, 1 + 1)

Hover your cursor over the function signature for test_something to run MyTest.test_something.

Hover over the class signature for MyTest to run MyTest.

If pointing to anything else, run the entire module.

Instructions for Vim:

function StoreTestPath(filename, lineno)
    let g:t= a:filename
    let g:f = system("python ~/point_at_test/point_at_test.py ".shellescape(a:filename)." ".shellescape(a:lineno))
    let g:f=substitute(strtrans(g:f),'\^@',' ','g')
    echo g:t g:f
map <Leader>s :call StoreTestPath(expand("%"), line("."))<CR>

function RunTests(filename, test_path)
    if a:test_path != ' '
        let full_test_path = a:filename.":".a:test_path
        let full_test_path = a:filename
    exec ":!nosetests ".full_test_path
map <Leader>t :call RunTests(g:t, g:f)<CR>