All the compilations related to Kubernetes are drafted here.

Kubernetes (v1.31)



I am glad you chose to visit this page. This is a work-in-progress (WIP) book on Kubernetes.

My attempt here is to explain explain K8s in a practical scenario oriented manner. I am trying to include as many examples, which matter in the real day-to-day job of any tech role that deals with Kubernetes. Although, I am not sure of any tech role now a days which doesn't deal with it.

I am conscious of not recreating the beautiful Kubernetes documentation here. Instead, I really want to provide a different perspective of grasping these concepts. Especially from an architectural lens, by understand impact on the cost, reliability, scalability, performance, and anything that matters for aligning tech with business.

Again, please know that this is a WIP book, and the content on many of these pages will change. Make sure to subscribe to Let's Do Tech News, where I share the weekly updates on all these WIP-books, along with other updates. I think this is a great way to read the book for free without missing an update, before the final copy is compiled and officially published. Also open for your questions/contributions.


Kubernetes version: v1.31

Topics completed/Topics identified: 0/23

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Before moving on, it is important to understand the scope of this book. Essentially, the question - how did we arrive at Kubernetes? - will not be covered in this book. This book completely focuses on Kubernetes, and that is it's starting point. Readers are expected to know the history of Kubernetes, cloud computing and application deployment basics. To be specific:

  1. Application deployment - have a basic understanding of how applications are deployed and it's dependency on databases, storage, network devices, and how it is tied to other components.
  2. Cloud computing - have a fair awareness of what is cloud and what is it used for. Broad understanding of how compute, storage, databases, and networks are offered as service.
  3. Containerization - know what containers are, and how container images are built for an application to run anywhere.

If there are any topics which are outside of Kubernetes, but not common enough and deserve some explanation - then in those cases I will briefly touch upon them and provide directions and links to enough resources for more information.