
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Restful api routes


Route Http Verb Req Body Description
url/users/register post name,surname,username,password,phoneNumber,email,gender Register User
url/users/login post username,password Login User turn Token
url/users/follow post user_id_a,user_id_b Follow user a to b
url/users/unFollow post user_id_a,user_id_b unFollow user a to b
url/users/:user_id put name,surname,username,password,phoneNumber,email,gender Update user by user_id if user_id===header.token._id
url/users/banUser post user_id ban user
url/users/unBanUser post user_id unBan user
url/users/userToAdmin post user_id upgrade user to admin
url/users/adminTouser post user_id admin to user
url/users/:username get get user by username
url/users get Get All Users


Route Http Verb Req Body Description
url/articles get Get All
url/articles/create post title,description,content,user_id,hashtags Create Article
url/articles/reactionPoint get Get All Article with User Sort By ReactionPoint and CreateAt
url/articles/byUser/:user_id get get Articles by User Id
url/articles/:article_id get get Article by Article Id
url/articles/followsArticle get user_id get FollowsArticle
url/articles/isFollow get cookie_user_id ,user_id is cookie user folowwing user_id ?


Route Http Verb Req Body Description
url/comments/:article_id get Get Comments by ArticleId
url/comments/create post user_id,article_id,description Create Comment
url/comments/delete post user_id,article_id,comment_id Delete Comment


Route Http Verb Req Body Description
url/likes/user/:user_id get Get Articles By User Likes
url/likes/:article_id get Get Likes By article_id
url/likes/create post user_id,article_id Create Comment
url/likes/delete post user_id,article_id,like_id Delete Comment
url/likes/isLike post user_id,article_id user_id is like this article ?


Route Http Verb Req Body Description
url/hashtags/create post body Create Hashtag
url/hashtags/:hashtag_id get Get Articles By Hashtag_id
url/hashtags/ get body Get All Hashtags