
Setting Up Laravel Local Environment with Docker

Primary LanguagePHP

Install and Set Up Laravel with Docker Compose

Setting up Laravel in the local environment with Docker using the LEMP stack that includes: Nginx, MySQL, PHP, and phpMyAdmin.

Why use Docker for Development

  • Consistent development environment for the entire team.
  • You don't need to install a bunch of language environments on your system.
  • You can use different versions of the same programming language.
  • Deployment is easy

How to Install and Run the Project

  1. git clone git@github.com:hanieas/Docker-Laravel.git
  2. docker-compose exec app composer install
  3. Copy .env.example to .env
  4. docker-compose build
  5. docker compose up -d
  6. You can see the project on

How to use MySQL as a database

  1. Uncomment the MySQL configuration inside the docker-compose.yml including: db and phpMyAdmin
  2. Copy .env.example to .env
  3. Change DB_CONNECTION to mysql
  4. Change DB_PORT to 3306
  5. Open the phpMyAdmin on

How to use PostgreSQL as a database

  1. Uncomment the PostgreSQL configuration inside the docker-compose.yml including: db and pgamdin
  2. Copy .env.example to .env
  3. Change DB_CONNECTION to pgsql
  4. Change DB_PORT to 5432
  5. Open the pgAdmin on

How to run Laravel Commands with Docker Compose

  1. cd src
  2. docker-compose exec app php artisan {your command}




