
csv go lang lib that gives a table like data representation in memory that lets manipulating data in various ways.

Primary LanguageGo

This library is ment to read the csv file usingthe go package "encoding/csv" and represent it in menmory in a table structure. The library also provides a way to manipulate the data in many ways, like get matching rows, sort rows.

The library assumes that the first row of the csv file is always the headers

And all data are string

How to read a csv and get the table

table, err := lib.ParseFile("/user/you/document/your-file.csv")
name phone
0 sumit 1234567890
1 rabi 1234567890
2 andrea 1234567890

To get row count

table.RowCount() => 3

To iterate over rows

for i, e := range table.Rows {

you can also query row with index index start from 0..table.RowCount()

name phone
0 sumit 1234567890

To get the list of headers

 => ["name", "phone", "address"]

To get the values as an array in the header

=> ["sumit", "rabi", "andrea"]

To sort the table rows by a header value

table := table.Sort("name")
name phone
0 andrea 1234567890
1 rabi 1234567890
2 sumit 1234567890