
This is a Pong Game that I made entirely on my own using the Pygame library. I developed this game using Object-Oriented Programming principles.

Primary LanguagePython


This is my first game on python that I made entirely on my own using the pygame library. I developed this game using Object-Oriented Programming principles. I learned about pygame from resources on the internet such as tutorials from youtube and pygame api. While developing this game, I used the pygame api documentation here: https://devdocs.io/pygame/ I have added comments in my code to specify what each section of the code does.

How to play:

  • The pong ball starts at the middle of the screen and randomly chooses a direction to move at.
  • The left player's controls are: press "w" to move the paddle up, press "s" to move the paddle down.
  • The right player's controls are: press 'up arrow key' to move the paddle up, press 'down arrow key' to move the paddle down.
  • The objective is to get as many points as you can.

How to run this game:

  1. Download the project files on a local folder on your computer.
  2. Open Command Prompt (on Windows) or Termainal (on Mac) and change directory to the location of the local folder containing this project.
  3. Run the project by entering "python main.py" on Command Prompt or Terminal.