

Text summarization refers to the technique of shortening long pieces of text. The intention is to create a coherent and fluent summary having only the main points outlined in the document. Propelled by the modern technological innovations, data is to this century what oil was to the previous one. Today, our world is parachuted by the gathering and dissemination of huge amounts of data. With such a big amount of data circulating in the digital space, there is need to develop machine learning algorithms that can automatically shorten longer texts and deliver accurate summaries that can fluently pass the intended messages. Furthermore, applying text summarization reduces reading time, accelerates the process of researching for information, and increases the amount of information that can fit in an area. Text summarization is an interesting machine learning field that is increasingly gaining traction. As research in this area continues, we can expect to see breakthroughs that will assist in fluently and accurately shortening long text documents.

Using-Flask Flask is a popular micro framework for building web applications. Since it is a micro-framework, it is very easy to use and lacks most of the advanced functionality which is foun <in a full-fledged framework. Therefore, building a REST API in Flask is very simple.

Steps to clone and set-up the project :

Fork the repository

Clone the repository - git clone "repo url"

Create & activate virtual environment So now open the terminal type the below command: <source bin/activate> Run the app : Firstly, you need to upload your text in the POST summary. After successfully uploading text in textbox, you can execute the Get Summary method and acquire the summarized content on screen.