
Matches schema of two Python dictionaries

Primary LanguagePython


Basic Python based tool to check schema of two dictionaries

Does it check values?


Does it work if one of the keys is a dictionary itself?

It checks for nested dictionaries. So, yes.

What Python version is it based on?

Python 3.7



Where to get?

Github: https://github.com/sumitmukhija/ScheMatch PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/ScheMatch/0.22/

How to use?

  1. Install

    pip install ScheMatch==0.22

  2. Import

    from schematch import match

  3. Prepare input

    dicOne = {"name":"Sumit", "likes": "sleeping"} dicTwo = {"name":"Shekhar", "likes": "guys"}

  4. Invoke method

    are_schemas_same = match.are_keys_same_in_dictionary(dicOne, dicTwo)

  5. Output

    (True, '')

The output is a tuple with a boolean and a string. The boolean determines if the schemas match and the string is the error message (if any)