
Render all camera animations in one click (Blender 2.80+)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Render Strip

Render all camera animations in one click. A minimal add-on for Blender 2.80+

Author: Lucky Kadam


  1. Download from Gumroad for free or Github latest release (do not unzip).
  2. In blender, go to: Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons -> Install.
  3. Select the downloaded file and click on -> Install Add-on.
  4. Enable it by clicking on checkbox.

You should now see Render Strip tab in Render Properties.


  1. Create new strip by clicking on New Strip.
  2. Specify the camera, start frame and end frame. (Optionally name the strip by clicking on pencil icon).
  3. Select the output path.
  4. Hit Render.

  1. For more control on ouptut, take a look at output settings sub-panel.



Feel free to report issues or provide feedback on Github.