
This is the code for a 4-layered recurrent neural network that predicts the trends in Google stock price based on previous 5 years of Stock data. I built the model using the Keras library, which is built on top of Tensorflow and Theano. The inputs are numeric values of opening and closing stock price for 5 years from 2012 to 2016. The prediction is done for the Opening stock value for the month of January 2017. I used adam for stochastic optimization, and mean_squared_error as the loss function.


● tensorflow ● keras ● numpy ● pandas ● scikit-learn


Variable Definition
Date Date of stock price record
Open Opening value of stock price
High Highest value of stock price on that day
Low Lowest value of stock price on that day
Close Closing value of stock price
Volume Total Volume of trade


Run in terminal to see the network in training. I have used Spyder from Anaconda to script and visualize the code.

Epoch 95/100
1198/1198 [==============================] - 7s - loss: 0.0015     
Epoch 96/100
1198/1198 [==============================] - 7s - loss: 0.0014     
Epoch 97/100
1198/1198 [==============================] - 7s - loss: 0.0015         
Epoch 98/100
1198/1198 [==============================] - 7s - loss: 0.0016     
Epoch 99/100
1198/1198 [==============================] - 7s - loss: 0.0013         
Epoch 100/100
1198/1198 [==============================] - 7s - loss: 0.0014     

alt text

Steps to further improve the model:

Steps that can be taken to further improve the model:

  1. Getting more training data: We trained our model on the past 5 years of the Google Stock Price but it would be even better to train it on the past 10 years.
  2. Increasing the number of timesteps: the model remembered the stock prices from the 60 previous financial days to predict the stock price of the next day. That’s because we chose a number of 60 timesteps (3 months). You could try to increase the number of timesteps, by choosing for example 120 timesteps (6 months).
  3. Adding some other indicators: if you have the financial instinct that the stock price of some other companies might be correlated to the one of Google, you could add this other stock price as a new indicator in the training data.
  4. Adding more LSTM layers: we built a RNN with four LSTM layers but more layers can be added depending on buisness intuition.
  5. Adding more neurons in the LSTM layers: we highlighted the fact that we needed a high number of neurones in the LSTM layers to respond better to the complexity of the problem and we chose to include 50 neurones in
    each of our 4 LSTM layers. You could try an architecture with even more neurones in each of the 4 (or more) LSTM layers.