
Various data structures and algorithms implementation in cpp

Primary LanguageC++

Data strctures and algorithms

How to use

  • Clone the repository.

  • Run any file using command g++.

  • Or run using any C++ IDE.

List of work in the project

  • Merge Sort

  • Selection Sort

  • Bubble Sort

  • Insertion Sort

  • Quick Sort

  • Counting Sort

  • Queue using array

  • Deque using class

  • Circular queue using class

  • Priority queue using class

  • Linked List

  • Linked List - stack

  • Doubly Linked List

  • Deque Doubly Linked List

  • Circular Queue Linked List

  • Graph Adjancency List

  • Radix Sort

  • Bucket Sort

  • BFS - undirected Graph

  • DFS - undirected Graph

  • Array left rotation

  • Array Rotation - reversal algorithm

  • Binary Search Tree

  • Binary Tree

  • Binary Tree Traversing

  • Heap

  • HeapSort

  • Naive Pattern Matching

  • kmp

  • Rabin Karp Pattern Matching algorithm