TechTales is a full-stack MERN application, enhanced with Redux for state management, Firebase for Google OAuth authentication, and Pusher for real-time updates. This website serves as a platform where individuals can share their tech-related experiences, insights on new updates and trends in the tech industry, educational content, or any other articles pertaining to technology.
- User Authentication: Utilizing Firebase for Google OAuth authentication, users can securely sign up and sign in to the platform.
- Article Management: Once authenticated, users can create, read, update, and delete their own articles.
- Rich Text Editor: The platform has a text editor supporting, text formatting and images.
- Searching and Filtering: Users can easily search for articles or other users and also filter the articles based on their tags.
- Interaction: Users have the ability to like and bookmark articles posted by others, facilitating engagement and interaction within the community.
- User Profiles: Users can follow other users to stay updated on their contributions to the platform.
- Comments Section: Each article includes a comments section where users can post comments, like them, reply to others and delete their own comments if necessary.
- Real-time Updates: Using Pusher, the application provides real-time updates for likes on articles, ensuring users stay informed about new interactions.
- React: Utilized for building the interactive user interface, providing a seamless browsing experience.
- Redux: Employed for state management, ensuring efficient data flow and consistent application state.
- Quill: A powerfull rich text editor for writing articles with appealing styling and image support.
- Node.js: Used as the backend runtime environment for server-side logic.
- Express.js: Facilitated the development of robust and scalable server-side applications.
- MongoDB: Employed as the database to store user information, articles, comments, and other relevant data.
- Firebase: Integrated for Google OAuth authentication, ensuring secure and hassle-free user authentication.

- Pusher: Implemented for real-time updates, enabling instant like updates to all clients.