
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This app displays recipes and keeps track of shopping lists for logged in users.

npm run dev

starts the frontend on 8080 (with proxy to 3000 for /api and /auth) and backend on 3000

npm build

generates bundle.js and index.html in dist folder

npm start

starts frontend based on built files and backend on 3000

Front end : React / React Router Dom / CSS

App.js has the routes for client side routing.

There are 4 pages and a bunch of components.

Note on client-side routing:

npm start will serve the react app to any url, so when you refresh the page on the route, it'll route correctly.

npm run dev will only serve the react app to localhost:8080, so when you refresh the page, it'll only load on localhost:8080/.

might be some config options for 8080 to serve the app when url not found?

Back end: express / psql

User data and recipe data are stored in a psql server.

Our express server has router files for the api calls.

It also serves bundle.js and index.html for production mode.


has the sql queries to set up the table and insert recipes.

Uses edamam api to get 20 recipes (check api for query options).

To Do

Have cookies and routes for real authentication

Refactor code structure (organize components -> pages, displays, containers)

Use a psql server thats not ElephantSQL, because if you click around too fast it breaks


Generate Recipes - custom queries for API

Connect shopping list to Walmart cart.

Add nutrition info - API

Calorie tracker visualization

Ingredient popularity - need separate ingredients table. Then use recipe_ingredients as a juncion between recipes and ingredients