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ORM that delivers support for full stack data access:

  • MySQL - for relational data
  • Redis - for NoSQL in memory shared cache
  • Elastic Search - for full text search
  • Local Cache - in memory local (not shared) cache
  • ClickHouse - time series database



First you need to define Registry object and register all connection pools to MySQL, Redis and local cache. Use this object to register queues, and entities. You should create this object once when application starts.

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

    registry := &Registry{}

    /*MySQL */
    registry.RegisterMySQLPool("root:root@tcp(localhost:3306)/database_name?limit_connections=10") // you should define max connections, default 100
    //optionally you can define pool name as second argument
    registry.RegisterMySQLPool("root:root@tcp(localhost:3307)/database_name", "second_pool")
    registry.DefaultEncoding("utf8") //optional, default is utf8mb4

    /* Redis */
    registry.RegisterRedis("localhost:6379", 0)
    //optionally you can define pool name as second argument
    registry.RegisterRedis("localhost:6379", 1, "second_pool")

    /* Redis sentinel */
    registry.RegisterRedisSentinel("mymaster", 0, []string{":26379", "", ""})
    // redis database number set to 2
    registry.RegisterRedisSentinel("mymaster", 2, []string{":26379", "", ""}, "second_pool") 

    /* Local cache (in memory) */
    registry.RegisterLocalCache(1000) //you need to define cache size
    //optionally you can define pool name as second argument
    registry.RegisterLocalCache(100, "second_pool")

    /* Redis used to handle locks (explained later) */
    registry.RegisterRedis("localhost:6379", 4, "lockers_pool")
    registry.RegisterLocker("default", "lockers_pool")

    /* ElasticSearch */
    //optionally you can define pool name as second argument
    registry.RegisterElastic("", "second_pool")
    // you can enable trace log
    registry.RegisterElasticWithTraceLog("", "second_pool")

    /* ClickHouse */
    //optionally you can define pool name as second argument
    registry.RegisterClickHouse("", "second_pool")
You can also create registry using yaml configuration file:
    mysql: root:root@tcp(localhost:3310)/db
    mysqlEncoding: utf8 //optional, default is utf8mb4
    redis: localhost:6379:0
        - test-group-1
        - test-group-2
    elastic_trace: //with trace log
    locker: default
    local_cache: 1000
    mysql: root:root@tcp(localhost:3311)/db2
          - :26379
package main

import (

func main() {

    yamlFileData, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./yaml")
    if err != nil {
    var parsedYaml map[string]interface{}
    err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFileData, &parsedYaml)
    registry := InitByYaml(parsedYaml)

Defining entities

package main

import (

func main() {

    type AddressSchema struct {
        Street   string
        Building uint16
    type colors struct {
        Red    string
        Green  string
        Blue   string
        Yellow string
        Purple string
    var Colors = &colors{
    	Red:    "Red",
    	Green:  "Green",
    	Blue:   "Blue",
    	Yellow: "Yellow",
    	Purple: "Purple",

    type testEntitySchema struct {
        ID                   uint
        Name                 string `orm:"length=100;index=FirstIndex"`
        NameNullable         string `orm:"length=100;index=FirstIndex"`
        BigName              string `orm:"length=max;required"`
        Uint8                uint8  `orm:"unique=SecondIndex:2,ThirdIndex"`
        Uint24               uint32 `orm:"mediumint=true"`
        Uint32               uint32
        Uint32Nullable       *uint32
        Uint64               uint64 `orm:"unique=SecondIndex"`
        Int8                 int8
        Int16                int16
        Int32                int32
        Int64                int64
        Rune                 rune
        Int                  int
        IntNullable          *int
        Bool                 bool
        BoolNullable         *bool
        Float32              float32
        Float64              float64
        Float64Nullable      *float64
        Float32Decimal       float32  `orm:"decimal=8,2"`
        Float64DecimalSigned float64  `orm:"decimal=8,2;unsigned=false"`
        Enum                 string   `orm:"enum=orm.colorEnum"`
        EnumNotNull          string   `orm:"enum=orm.colorEnum;required"`
        Set                  []string `orm:"set=orm.colorEnum"`
        YearNullable         *uint16   `orm:"year=true"`
        YearNotNull          uint16   `orm:"year=true"`
        Date                 *time.Time
        DateNotNull          time.Time
        DateTime             *time.Time `orm:"time=true"`
        DateTimeNotNull      time.Time  `orm:"time=true"`
        Address              AddressSchema
        Json                 interface{}
        ReferenceOne         *testEntitySchemaRef
        ReferenceOneCascade  *testEntitySchemaRef `orm:"cascade"`
        ReferenceMany        []*testEntitySchemaRef
        IgnoreField          []time.Time       `orm:"ignore"`
        Blob                 []byte
        MediumBlob           []byte `orm:"mediumblob=true"`
        LongBlob             []byte `orm:"longblob=true"`
        FieldAsJson          map[string]string
    type testEntitySchemaRef struct {
        ID   uint
        Name string
    type testEntitySecondPool struct {
    	orm.ORM `orm:"mysql=second_pool"`
    	ID                   uint

    registry := &Registry{}
    var testEntitySchema testEntitySchema
    var testEntitySchemaRef testEntitySchemaRef
    var testEntitySecondPool testEntitySecondPool
    registry.RegisterEntity(testEntitySchema, testEntitySchemaRef, testEntitySecondPool)
    registry.RegisterEnumStruct("color", Colors)

    // now u can use:
    Colors.GetDefault() // "Red" (first field)
    Colors.GetFields() // ["Red", "Blue" ...]
    Colors.GetMapping() // map[string]string{"Red": "Red", "Blue": "Blue"}
    Colors.Has("Red") //true
    Colors.Has("Orange") //false
    //or register enum from slice
    registry.RegisterEnumSlice("color", []string{"Red", "Blue"})
    //or register enum from map
    registry.RegisterEnumMap("color", map[string]string{"red": "Red", "blue": "Blue"}, "red")

There are only two golden rules you need to remember defining entity struct:

  • first field must be type of "ORM"
  • second argument must have name "ID" and must be type of one of uint, uint16, uint32, uint24, uint64, rune

By default entity is not cached in local cache or redis, to change that simply use key "redisCache" or "localCache" in "orm" tag for "ORM" field:

package main

import (

func main() {

    type testEntityLocalCache struct {
    	orm.ORM `orm:"localCache"` //default pool
   type testEntityLocalCacheSecondPool struct {
    	orm.ORM `orm:"localCache=second_pool"`
   type testEntityRedisCache struct {
    	orm.ORM `orm:"redisCache"` //default pool
   type testEntityRedisCacheSecondPool struct {
    	orm.ORM `orm:"redisCache=second_pool"`

   type testEntityLocalAndRedisCache struct {
    	orm.ORM `orm:"localCache;redisCache"`

Validated registry

Once you created your registry and registered all pools and entities you should validate it. You should also run it once when your application starts.

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {
   registry := &Registry{}
   //register pools and entities
   validatedRegistry, err := registry.Validate()

Creating engine

You need to crete engine to start working with entities (searching, saving). You must create engine for each http request and thread.

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {
   registry := &Registry{}
   //register pools and entities
   validatedRegistry, err := registry.Validate()
   engine := validatedRegistry.CreateEngine()

Checking and updating table schema

ORM provides useful object that describes entity structrure called TabelSchema:

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {
   registry := &Registry{}
   // register
   validatedRegistry, err := registry.Validate() 
   engine := validatatedRegistry.CreateEngine()
   alters := engine.GetAlters()
   /*optionally you can execute alters for each model*/
   var userEntity UserEntity
   tableSchema := engine.GetRegistry().GetTableSchemaForEntity(userEntity)
   tableSchema := validatedRegistry.GetTableSchemaForEntity(userEntity)

   /*checking table structure*/
   tableSchema.UpdateSchema(engine) //it will create or alter table if needed
   tableSchema.DropTable(engine) //it will drop table if exist
   has, alters := tableSchema.GetSchemaChanges(engine)

   /*getting table structure*/
   db := tableSchema.GetMysql(engine)
   localCache, has := tableSchema.GetLocalCache(engine) 
   redisCache, has := tableSchema.GetRedisCache(engine)
   columns := tableSchema.GetColumns()

Adding, editing, deleting entities

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

     /* adding */

    entity := testEntity{Name: "Name 1"}

    entity2 := testEntity{Name: "Name 1"}
    entity2.SetOnDuplicateKeyUpdate(orm.Bind{"Counter": 2}, entity2)

    entity2 = testEntity{Name: "Name 1"}
    engine.SetOnDuplicateKeyUpdate(orm.Bind{}, entity2) //it will change nothing un row

    /*if you need to add more than one entity*/
    entity = testEntity{Name: "Name 2"}
    entity2 := testEntity{Name: "Name 3"}
    flusher := engine.NewFlusher()
    flusher.Track(&entity, &entity2)
    //it will execute only one query in MySQL adding two rows at once (atomic)
    /* editing */

    flusher := engine.NewFlusher().Track(&entity, &entity2)
    entity.Name = "New name 2"
    //you can also use (but it's slower):
    entity.SetField("Name", "New name 2")
    entity.IsDirty() //returns true
    entity2.IsDirty() //returns false
    flusher.Flush() //it will save data in DB for all dirty tracked entities
    engine.IsDirty(entity) //returns false
    /* deleting */
    flusher.Delete(&entity, &entity2).Flush()

    /* flush will panic if there is any error. You can catch 2 special errors using this method  */
    err := flusher.FlushWithCheck()
    err := flusher.FlushInTransactionWithCheck()
    orm.DuplicatedKeyError{} //when unique index is broken
    orm.ForeignKeyError{} //when foreign key is broken
    /* You can catch all errors using this method  */
    err := flusher.FlushWithFullCheck()


package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {
    entity = testEntity{Name: "Name 2"}
    entity2 := testEntity{Name: "Name 3"}
    flusher := engine.NewFlusher().Track(&entity, &entity2)

    // DB transcation
    // or redis lock
    flusher.FlushWithLock("default", "lock_name", 10 * time.Second, 10 * time.Second)
    // or DB transcation nad redis lock
    flusher.FlushInTransactionWithLock("default", "lock_name", 10 * time.Second, 10 * time.Second)
    //manual transaction
    db := engine.GetMysql()
    defer db.Rollback()
    //run queries

Loading entities using primary key

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

    var entity testEntity
    has := engine.LoadByID(1, &entity)

    var entities []*testEntity
    missing := engine.LoadByIDs([]uint64{1, 3, 4}, &entities) //missing contains IDs that are missing in database


Loading entities using search

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

    var entities []*testEntity
    pager := orm.NewPager(1, 1000)
    where := orm.NewWhere("`ID` > ? AND `ID` < ?", 1, 8)
    engine.Search(where, pager, &entities)
    //or if you need number of total rows
    totalRows := engine.SearchWithCount(where, pager, &entities)
    //or if you need only one row
    where := onm.NewWhere("`Name` = ?", "Hello")
    var entity testEntity
    found := engine.SearchOne(where, &entity)
    //or if you need only primary keys
    ids := engine.SearchIDs(where, pager, entity)
    //or if you need only primary keys and total rows
    ids, totalRows = engine.SearchIDsWithCount(where, pager, entity)

Reference one to one

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

    type UserEntity struct {
        ID                   uint64
        Name                 string
        School               *SchoolEntity `orm:"required"` // key is "on delete restrict" by default not not nullable
        SecondarySchool      *SchoolEntity // key is nullable
    type SchoolEntity struct {
        ID                   uint64
        Name                 string

    type UserHouse struct {
        ID                   uint64
        User                 *UserEntity  `orm:"cascade;required"` // on delete cascade and is not nullable
    // saving in DB:

    user := UserEntity{Name: "John"}
    school := SchoolEntity{Name: "Name of school"}
    house := UserHouse{Name: "Name of school"}
    engine.Track(&user, &school, &house)
    user.School = school
    house.User = user

    // loading references: 

    _ = engine.LoadById(1, &user)
    user.School != nil //returns true, School has ID: 1 but other fields are nof filled
    user.School.ID == 1 //true
    user.School.Loaded() //false
    user.Name == "" //true
    user.School.Load(engine) //it will load school from db
    user.School.Loaded() //now it's true, you can access school fields like user.School.Name
    user.Name == "Name of school" //true
    //If you want to set reference and you have only ID:
    user.School = &SchoolEntity{ID: 1}

    // detaching reference
    user.School = nil

    // preloading references
    engine.LoadByID(1, &user, "*") //all references
    engine.LoadByID(1, &user, "School") //only School
    engine.LoadByID(1, &user, "School", "SecondarySchool") //only School and SecondarySchool
    engine.LoadByID(1, &userHouse, "User/School", "User/SecondarySchool") //User, School and SecondarySchool in each User
    engine.LoadByID(1, &userHouse, "User/*") // User, all references in User
    engine.LoadByID(1, &userHouse, "User/*/*") // User, all references in User and all references in User subreferences
    //You can have as many levels you want: User/School/AnotherReference/EvenMore/
    //You can preload referenes in all search and load methods:

Cached queries

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

    //Fields that needs to be tracked for changes should start with ":"

    type UserEntity struct {
        ID                   uint64
        Name                 string
        Age                  uint16
        IndexAge             *CachedQuery `query:":Age = ? ORDER BY :ID"`
        IndexAll             *CachedQuery `query:""` //cache all rows
        IndexName            *CachedQuery `queryOne:":Name = ?"`

    pager := orm.NewPager(1, 1000)
    var users []*UserEntity
    var user  UserEntity
    totalRows := engine.CachedSearch(&users, "IndexAge", pager, 18)
    totalRows = engine.CachedSearch(&users, "IndexAll", pager)
    has := engine.CachedSearchOne(&user, "IndexName", "John")


Lazy flush

Sometimes you want to flush changes in database, but it's ok if data is flushed after some time. For example when you want to save some logs in database.

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {
    // you need to register redis  
    registry.RegisterRedis("localhost:6379", 0)
    registry.RegisterRedis("localhost:6380", 0, "another_redis")
    // .. create engine

    type User struct {
       ORM  `orm:"log"`
       ID   uint
       Name string
       Age  int `orm:"skip-log"` //Don't track this field
    // optionally you can set optional redis pool used to queue all events
    type Dog struct {
       ORM  `orm:"asyncRedisLazyFlush=another_redis"`
       ID   uint
       Name string
    // now in code you can use FlushLazy() methods instead of Flush().
    // it will send changes to queue (database and cached is not updated yet)
    // you need to run code that will read data from queue and execute changes
    // run in separate goroutine (cron script)
    consumer := NewAsyncConsumer(engine, "my-consumer", 1) // you can run maximum one consumer
    consumer.Digest() //It will wait for new messages in a loop, run receiver.DisableLoop() to run loop once

    consumerAnotherPool := NewAsyncConsumer(engine,  "my-consumer", 5) // you can run up to 5 consumers at the same time

Request cache

It's a good practice to cache entities in one short request (e.g. http request) to reduce number of requests to databases.

If you are using more than one goroutine (for example in GraphQL backend implementation) you can enable Data loader in engine to group many queries into one and reduce number of queries. You can read more about idea behind it here.

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

Otherwise set false and all entities will be cached in a simple temporary cache:

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

Log entity changes

ORM can store in database every change of entity in special log table.

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

    //it's recommended to keep logs in separated DB
    registry.RegisterMySQLPool("root:root@tcp(localhost:3306)/log_database", "log_db_pool")
    // you need to register default Redis   
    registry.RegisterRedis("localhost:6379", 0)
    registry.RegisterRedis("localhost:6380", 0, "another_redis")

    //next you need to define in Entity that you want to log changes. Just add "log" tag or define mysql pool name
    type User struct {
        ORM  `orm:"log"`
        ID   uint
        Name string
        Age  int `orm:"skip-log"` //Don't track this field
    // optionally you can set optional redis pool used to queue all events
     type Dog struct {
        ORM  `orm:"log=log_db_pool;asyncRedisLogs=another_redis"`
        ID   uint
        Name string

    // Now every change of User will be saved in log table
    // You can add extra data to log, simply use this methods before Flush():
    engine.SetLogMetaData("logged_user_id", 12) 
    engine.SetLogMetaData("ip", request.GetUserIP())
    // you can set meta only in specific entity
    engine.SetEntityLogMeta("user_name", "john", entity)
    consumer := NewAsyncConsumer(engine, "my-consumer",  1)
    consumer.Digets() //it will wait for new messages in queue

    consumerAnotherPool := NewAsyncConsumer(engine, "my-consumer", 1)

Dirty stream

You can send event to event broker if any specific data in entity was changed.

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

	//define at least one redis pool
    registry.RegisterRedis("localhost:6379", 0, "event-broker-pool")
    //define stream with consumer groups for events
    registry.RegisterRedisStream("user_changed", "event-broker-pool", []string{"my-consumer-group"})
    registry.RegisterRedisStream("age_name_changed", "event-broker-pool", []string{"my-consumer-group"})
    registry.RegisterRedisStream("age_changed", "event-broker-pool", []string{"my-consumer-group"})

    // create engine
    // next you need to define in Entity that you want to log changes. Just add "dirty" tag
    type User struct {
        orm.ORM  `orm:"dirty=user_changed"` //define dirty here to track all changes
        ID       uint
        Name     string `orm:"dirty=age_name_changed"` //event will be send to age_name_changed if Name or Age changed
        Age      int `orm:"dirty=age_name_changed,age_changed"` //event will be send to age_changed if Age changed
    consumer := engine.GetEventBroker().Consume("my-consumer", "my-consumer-group", 1)

    consumer.Consume(context.Background(), 100, func(events []orm.Event) {
        for _, event := range events {
           dirty := orm.EventDirtyEntity(event) // created wrapper around event to easily access data
           if dirty.Added() {
           	 fmt.Printf("Entity %s with ID %d was added", dirty.TableSchema().GetType().String(), dirty.ID())
           } else if dirty.Updated() {
           	 fmt.Printf("Entity %s with ID %d was updated", dirty.TableSchema().GetType().String(), dirty.ID())
           } else if dirty.Deleted() {
             fmt.Printf("Entity %s with ID %d was deleted", dirty.TableSchema().GetType().String(), dirty.ID())

Fake delete

If you want to keep deleted entity in database but ny default this entity should be excluded from all engine.Search() and engine.CacheSearch() queries you can use FakeDelete column. Simply create field bool with name "FakeDelete".

func main() {

    type UserEntity struct {
        ID                   uint64
        Name                 string
        FakeDelete           bool

    //you can delete in two ways:
    engine.Delete(user) -> will set user.FakeDelete = true
    user.FakeDelete = true

    engine.Flush(user) //it will save entity id in Column `FakeDelete`.

    //will return all rows where `FakeDelete` = 0
    total, err = engine.SearchWithCount(NewWhere("1"), nil, &rows)

    //To force delete (remove row from DB):

Working with Redis

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

    config.RegisterRedis("localhost:6379", 0)
    //storing data in cached for x seconds
    val := engine.GetRedis().GetSet("key", 1, func() interface{} {
		return "hello"
    //standard redis api
    keys := engine.GetRedis().LRange("key", 1, 2)
    engine.GetRedis().LPush("key", "a", "b")

    //rete limiter
    valid := engine.GetRedis().RateLimit("resource_name", redis_rate.PerMinute(10))

Working with local cache

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {
    //storing data in cached for x seconds
    val := engine.GetLocalCache().GetSet("key", 1, func() interface{} {
        return "hello"
    //getting value
    value, has := engine.GetLocalCache().Get("key")
    //getting many values
    values := engine.GetLocalCache().MGet("key1", "key2")
    //setting value
    engine.GetLocalCache().Set("key", "value")
    //setting values
    engine.GetLocalCache().MSet("key1", "value1", "key2", "value2" /*...*/)
    //getting values from hash set (like redis HMGET)
    values = engine.GetLocalCache().HMget("key")
    //setting values in hash set
    engine.GetLocalCache().HMset("key", map[string]interface{}{"key1" : "value1", "key2": "value 2"})

    //deleting value
    engine.GetLocalCache().Remove("key1", "key2" /*...*/)
    //clearing cache


Working with mysql

package main

import (

func main() {
    // register mysql pool

    res := engine.GetMysql().Exec("UPDATE `table_name` SET `Name` = ? WHERE `ID` = ?", "Hello", 2)

    var row string
    found := engine.GetMysql().QueryRow(orm.NewWhere("SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE  `ID` = ?", 1), &row)
    results, def := engine.GetMysql().Query("SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE  `ID` > ? LIMIT 100", 1)
    defer def()
    for results.Next() {
    	var row string
    def() //if it's not last line in this method

Working with elastic search

package main

import (

func main() {

    type TestIndex struct {
    func (i *TestIndex) GetName() string {
    	return "test_index"
    func (i *TestIndex) GetDefinition() map[string]interface{} {
        return map[string]interface{}{
            "settings": map[string]interface{}{
                "number_of_replicas": "1",
                "number_of_shards":   "1",
            "mappings": map[string]interface{}{
                "properties": map[string]interface{}{
                    "Name": map[string]interface{}{
                        "type":       "keyword",
                        "normalizer": "case_insensitive",

    // register elastic search pool and index

    e := engine.GetElastic()

    // create indices
	for _, alter := range engine.GetElasticIndexAlters() {
        // alter.Safe is true if index does not exists or is not empty

    query := elastic.NewBoolQuery()
	query.Must(elastic.NewTermQuery("user_id", 12))
    options := &orm.SearchOptions{}
    options.AddSort("created_at", true).AddSort("name", false)
	results := e.Search("users", query, orm.NewPager(1, 10), options)

Working with ClickHouse

package main

import (

func main() {
    // register elastic search pool

    ch := engine.GetClickHouse()

    ch.Exec("INSERT INTO `table` (name) VALUES (?)", "hello")

    statement, def := ch.Prepare("INSERT INTO `table` (name) VALUES (?)")
    defer def()
    statement.Exec("hello 2")

    rows, def := ch.Queryx("SELECT FROM `table` WHERE x = ? AND y = ?", 1, "john")
    defer def()
    for rows.Next() {
    	m := &MyStruct{}
        err := rows.StructScan(m)

    defer ch.Rollback()
    // run queries
    defer ch.Commit()

Working with Locker

Shared cached that is using redis

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {

    // register redis and locker
    registry.RegisterRedis("localhost:6379", 0, "my_pool")
    registry.RegisterLocker("default", "my_pool")
    locker, _ := engine.GetLocker()
    lock := locker.Obtain("my_lock", 5 * Time.Second, 1 * Time.Second)

    defer lock.Release()
    // do smth
    ttl := lock.TTL()
    if ttl == 0 {
        panic("lock lost")

Query logging

You can log all queries:

  • queries to MySQL database (insert, select, update)
  • requests to Redis
  • requests to Elastic Search
  • queries to CickHouse
package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {
    //enable human friendly console log
    engine.EnableQueryDebug() //MySQL, redis, Elastic Search, ClickHouse queries (local cache in excluded bt default)
    engine.EnableQueryDebug(orm.QueryLoggerSourceRedis, orm.QueryLoggerSourceLocalCache)

    //adding custom logger example:
    engine.AddQueryLogger(json.New(os.Stdout), log.LevelWarn) //MySQL, redis warnings and above
    engine.AddQueryLogger(es.New(os.Stdout), log.LevelError, orm.QueryLoggerSourceRedis)


package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {
    //enable json logger with proper level
    //or enable human friendly console logger
    //you can add special fields to all logs
    engine.Log().AddFields(log.Fields{"user_id": 12, "session_id": "skfjhfhhs1221"})

    //printing logs
    engine.Log().Warn("message", nil)
    engine.Log().Debug("message", log.Fields{"user_id": 12})
    engine.Log().Error(err, nil)
    engine.Log().ErrorMessage("ups, that is strange", nil)

    //handling recovery
    if err := recover(); err != nil {
    	engine.Log().Error(err, nil)

    //filling log with data from http.Request
    engine.Log().AddFieldsFromHTTPRequest(request, "")


Event broker

ORM provides easy way to use event broker.

First yuo need to define streams and consumer groups:

#YAML config file
  redis: localhost:6381:0 // redis is required
      - test-group-1
      - test-group-2
      - test-group-1
      - test-group-3

or using go:

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm"

func main() {
 registry := &orm.Registry{}
 registry.RegisterRedisStream("stream-1", "default", []string{"test-group-1", "test-group-2"})
 registry.RegisterRedisStream("stream-2", "default", []string{"test-group-1"})
 registry.RegisterRedisStream("stream-3", "default", []string{"test-group-3"})

Publishing and receiving events :

package main

import (

func main() {

 // .. create engine

 type Person struct {
  Name string
  Age  int

 // fastest, no serialization
 engine.GetEventBroker().PublishMap("stream-1", orm.EventAsMap{"key": "value", "anotherKey": "value 2"})
 // using serialization
 engine.GetEventBroker().Publish("stream-3", Person{Name: "Adam", Age: 18})

 // publishing many at once, recommended because it's much faster than one by one
 flusher :=  engine.GetEventBroker().NewFlusher()
 flusher.PublishMap("stream-1", orm.EventAsMap{"key": "value", "anotherKey": "value 2"})
 flusher.Publish("stream-1", Person{Name: "Adam", Age: 18})
 // reading from "stream-1" and "stream-2" streams, you can run max one consumer at once
 consumerTestGroup1 := engine.GetEventBroker().Consume("my-consumer", "test-group-1", 1)
 // reading max 100 events in one loop, this line stop execution, waiting for new events
 consumerTestGroup1.Consume(context.Background(), 100, func(events []orm.Event) {
 	for _, event := range events {
            values := event.RawData() // map[string]interface{}{"key": "value", "anotherKey": "value 2"}
            //do some work
            event.Ack() // this line is acknowledging event

 // auto acknowledging
 consumerTestGroup1.Consume(context.Background(), 100, func(events []orm.Event) { 
 	//do some work, for example put all events at once to DB
 	// in this example all events will be acknowledge when this method is finished 

 // skipping some events
 consumerTestGroup1.Consume(context.Background(), 100, func(events []orm.Event) {
  for _, event := range events {
        if someCondition {
        } else {
             event.Skip() //this event will be consumed again later

 // reading from "stream-3" stream, you can run max to two consumers at once
 consumerTestGroup3 := engine.GetEventBroker().Consume("my-consumer", "test-group-2", 2)
 consumerTestGroup3.DisableLoop() // all events will be consumed once withour waiting for new events   

 consumerTestGroup3.Consume(context.Background(), 100, func(events []orm.Event) {
    var person Person
 	for _, event := range events {
        err := event.Unserialize(&person)
        if err != nil {
        	// ...
        //do some work
        event.Ack() // this line is acknowledging event


Setting another redis pool for AsyncConsumer:

  redis: localhost:6381:0
   orm-lazy-channel: # FlushLazy()
      - default-group # group name for AsyncConsumer
    orm-log-channel: # adding changes to logs
      - default-group # group name for AsyncConsumer
      - test-group-2 # you can register another consumers to read logs  


Redis streams statistics

package main

import "github.com/summer-solutions/orm/tools"

func main() {
   stats := tools.GetRedisStreamsStatistics(engine) 