
Risk assessment quiz for automation and ML

Primary LanguageRGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Sweet Summer Child Score

Sweet Summer Child Score (SSCS) is a scoring mechanism for latent risk. It will help you quickly and efficiently scan for the possibility of harm to people and communities by a socio-technical system. This package is an R version of Python code found at: https://github.com/summerscope/summerchildpy

Run Summer Summer Child app to assess the risk of your socio-technical system

How it looks like when you run it.

1. From RStudio

Install and load the R package

if(!require(devtools,quietly = TRUE))

Run the app


2. From the terminal

Run the following code in a terminal window - Requires R (>= 2.10) to be installed

R -e "devtools::install_github('summerscope/summer-child-r', force = TRUE); library(summerchildr); runSummerChildApp()"

Then simply copy and paste the http link that appears in the terminal into a browser.

3. If you’re having issues with remote R packages installation

  1. Installation through GitHub repo.
  • Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:summerscope/summerchildr.git
cd summerchildr
  • Run the app in the terminal after restoring the environment:
R -e "renv::restore(); library(summerchildr); shiny::runApp(runSummerChildApp())"

The same commands in the chunk above can be run in R Studio to restore the environment before running the app.

  1. If 1 doesn't work (ouch!) and you're getting HTTP error 401 OR Bad credentials, please try following steps.
  • Open an R session on terminal, simply by typing R and Unset GitHUB's PAT environment variable (for context r-lib/devtools#1566)
# you can confirm the above command has worked if the following command returns an empty string (i.e. `""`)
  • Run the app in R session
devtools::install_github('summerscope/summer-child-r', force = TRUE); library(summerchildr); runSummerChildApp()"

You're all set to dive deeper 🙌🏼