
A mixed-reality-show Product by DataMesh Inc.


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MeshExpert Live!® is a mixed-reality show product by DataMesh™. It consists of three main software components:

  • MeshExpert Suite©: supporting system for MeshExpert Live! Workstation

  • MeshExpert Apps: applications on HoloLens, Surface, iPhone/iPad, Android, VR Glasses, etc. which could communicate with MeshExpert Suite for live show

  • METoolkit: an opensouce helper toolkit enables easy app-development for developers

Latest Version: v1.0.6


For Chinese version, refer to MeshExpert.Live.Developer.Manuals.pdf.

MeshExpert Suite©

Download the latest installer MeshExpert.Installer.v1.0.6.exe.

Follow the Section 3.5.3 "MeshExpert Install Suite Installation and Usage Guide" in the documentation to install and try.

MeshExpert Apps

The MeshExpert comes with a demo App named "SolarSystemExplorer", with which you can try.

Refer to Section 1.4 "Experience Immersive MixedReality" in the documentation for instructions. Souce code for the demo app is here.


METoolkit is opensource under MIT license. You are free to use it to create your own apps and integrate with MeshExpert Live!.

METoolkit Source Code

Refer to Section 4 and Section 5 in the documentation for developer guide.


MeshExpert© is a trademark of DataMesh Inc.. Please refer to our commercial and trial license.

Please note that some components of this software are made open source with respetive license.

Contact Us

For a trial license or any questions, please contact us by service@datamesh.com

Seattle Office

+1 (425)528-0974

Orange Studios Room 117, 2205 152nd Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052

Beijing Office

+86 1085715801
