This repository demonstrates how to implement role based access control (RBAC) on Nginx with Open Policy Agent.
First, start the container of Nginx and Open Policy Agent.
$ docker-compose up -d
When you send a request to /compute/
using Alice's client certificate, nginx will grant access based on role definition.
$ curl -k --cert ./nginx/tls/alice.pem --key ./nginx/tls/alice-key.pem
For requests to /storage/
as well, nginx allows too.
$ curl -k --cert ./nginx/tls/alice.pem --key ./nginx/tls/alice-key.pem
Access is allowed even if you send a request to /compute/
using Bob's client certificate.
$ curl -k --cert ./nginx/tls/bob.pem --key ./nginx/tls/bob-key.pem
However, Bob can not access to /storage/
based on role definition.
$ curl -k --cert ./nginx/tls/bob.pem --key ./nginx/tls/bob-key.pem
This repository uses a client certificate for user authentication. We use CFSSL to issue client certificates. How to issue a new client certificate as follows.
Generate a new CSR definition of CFSSL.
$ cd nginx/tls
$ cfssl print-defaults csr > client-csr.json
Rewrite the CSR definition as you need.
$ vim client-csr.json
Generate client certificate files by using CSR definition.
$ cfssl gencert -ca=ca.pem -ca-key=ca-key.pem client-csr.json | cfssljson -bare client
You can use the new client certificate.
$ curl -k --cert ./nginx/tls/client.pem --key ./nginx/tls/client-key.pem
Authorization by RBAC is implemented by the combination of Nginx and Open Policy Agent.
The Role definition is defined in the JSON file as follows. The role has a combination of a path and an list of HTTP methods allowing access, and the Open Policy Agent performs authorization based on the role.
"roles": {
"compute.admin": {
"/compute/": ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]
"compute.viewer": {
"/compute/": ["GET"]
"storage.admin": {
"/storage/": ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]
"storage.viewer": {
"/storage/": ["GET"]
"role_bindings": {
"alice": ["compute.admin", "storage.admin"],
"bob": ["compute.viewer"]
You can add a new role or role binding to the role definition.
$ vim opa/rbac.json