Fast library for displays ILI9340,41,42,44 for all Teensy's,Arduino's,ESP8266

Primary LanguageC


Fast library for displays ILI9340,41,42,44 for Teensy's,Arduino's,ESP826,SPARK (maybe) and more to come.
Based on my TFT_ILI9163C, shares the same commands, functionalities, fonts, icon and examples.
It's fast! Much faster than Adafruit, more fexible and featured, it uses my proprietary LGPO Rendering engine for fonts and icons.
Wiki added! https://github.com/sumotoy/TFT_ILI93XX/wiki
In short:

  • Fast!
  • Uses compatible hardware SPI (that can be shared with other devices)
  • Uses single display file so it's easy add more display's
  • Works with many MCU's (Teensy's, Arduino's 8bit, DUE, ESP8266 for now)
  • Full featured, all basic primitives plus more commands for easy programming
  • Uses LGPO Rendering for Fonts and Icons
  • It uses version 2.4 sumotoy font format shared with the other libraries here
  • Full SPI Transaction (where applicable) compatible
  • Can use alternate SPI pins (where applicable)
  • User can convert his fonts/icons trough LCD Font Converter app by riuson (Vladimir)
  • Gradient possible in some primitive.
  • Text autocentering features.
  • Lot of examples