
A complete library for Microchip MCP23S17(teensy,avr,arm,esp8266)

Primary LanguageC++


A complete library for Microchip MCP23S17 http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/21952b.pdf, a 16 port I/O GPIO with Interrupt and HAEN that let you use 8 chip (16 * 8 ports!) by using just 3 (or 4 if you need input) CPU pins!
The library it's fully SPI transaction compatible and can be easily included in other libraries, has methods that let's you change ports values fastly and you can easily access chip register directly.
This library has been extracted from my universal gpio_library and I will maintain separately.
I have included several examples but a complete wiki and detailed images will be published soon.

  • Full access to all MCP features.
  • Scalable complexity, easy to use as GPIO but advanced use always possible.
  • Mature and stable library, I've used in many projects.
  • Fully SPI transaction compatible, it doesn't interfere with other SPI devices.
  • Compatible with all 8bit arduino, DUE, Teensy(all), ESP8266.

------------------------------ MCP23S17 WIRING ------------------------------------
This chip has a very useful feature called HAEN that allow you to share the same CS pin trough
8 different addresses. Of course chip has to be Microchip and should be assigned to different addresses!

Basic Address: 00100 A2 A1 A0 (from 0x20 to 0x27)
A2,A1,A0 tied to ground = 0x20

IOB-0.[|...U...|] IOA-7
IOB-1.[|.........|] IOA-6
IOB-2.[|.........|] IOA-5
IOB-3.[|.........|] IOA-4
IOB-4.[|.........|] IOA-3
IOB-5.[|.........|] IOA-2
IOB-6.[|.........|] IOA-1
IOB-7.[|.........|] IOA-0
VCC...[|.........|] INT-A
GND..[|.........|] INT-B
CS.....[|.........|] RST (connect to +)
SCK...[|.........|] A2
MOSI.[|.........|] A1
MISO.[|____|] A0