
looks at decent color pictures and draws ugly black-white pictures

Primary LanguagePython


looks at decent color pictures and draws ugly black-white pictures

How to install:

Make sure your computer has a command line app. Mac and Linux systems should already have one, and Windows users should install WSL using these instructions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10

Install Python 3 on your computer and make sure that your command line app recognizes the "python3" and "pip" commands.

Enter "pip install png" in your command line app.

Download the black-white-png.py file from this Github project.

How to use:

Put a .png file and a copy of black-white-png.py in the same folder.

Open your command line app and use the "cd" command so that folder becomes your working directory.

Enter "python3 black-white-png.py <brightness> <in file name> <out file name> [swap]".

Brightness can be any integer between 0 and 256 (exclusive)*. Every pixel becomes black if its brightness is less than the brightness you entered.

Example: The command "python3 black-white-png.py 128 gate.png gate128.png" creates a file named gate128.png. In that file, every pixel is black if its brightness was less than 128 in gate.png.

You can choose to put something after the out file name (such as "python3 black-white-png.py 128 gate.png gate128s.png swap"). This swaps the black and white pixels.

*Technically it will work with any integer, but integers 0 or less will simply result in a white rectangle, and integers 256 or greater will simply result in a black rectangle.