
Search spotify in Vim and play songs.

Primary LanguageVim Script

Vim Spotify Search

A plugin to allow you to search and play tracks from spotify right inside Vim.

Make sure you have spotify running externally, then in Vim:

:Spotify yeezus

Yields a new window with the search results

Track                    Artist             Release Year      Album
Bound 2                  Kanye West         2013              Yeezus
Black Skinhead           Kanye West         2013              Yeezus
Black Skinhead           Kanye West         2013              Yeezus
Bound 2                  Kanye West         2013              Yeezus
Blood On The Leaves      Kanye West         2013              Yeezus
New Slaves               Kanye West         2013              Yeezus
Blood On The Leaves      Kanye West         2013              Yeezus
Hold My Liquor           Kanye West         2013              Yeezus
I Am A God               God                2013              Yeezus
I'm In It                Kanye West         2013              Yeezus

Just hit enter to have the song played by spotify.


Region Configuration

To filter the results appropriate to your region add the line below to your .vimrc with the correct country code.

let g:spotify_country_code = 'GB'

PlayPause, Next, Prev Keys

For linux operating systems with dbus, you can map specific keys to play/pause, next and previous.

let g:spotify_prev_key = "<F9>"
let g:spotify_playpause_key = "<F10>"
let g:spotify_next_key = "<F11>"

These mappings will only work inside the spotify list buffer.


I recommend installing using Vundle:

Add Bundle 'takac/vim-spotifysearch' to your ~/.vimrc and then:

  • either within Vim: :BundleInstall
  • or in your shell: vim +BundleInstall +qall

Other Installation Methods

  • Pathogen
    • git clone https://github.com/takac/vim-spotifysearch ~/.vim/bundle/vim-spotifysearch
  • Neobundle
    • NeoBundle 'takac/vim-spotifysearch'
  • Manual
    • Copy the files into your ~/.vim directory