Coquille is a vim plugin aiming to bring the interactivity of CoqIDE into your favorite editor.
This repository is meant to be used as a pathogen bundle. If you don't already use pathogen, I strongly recommend that you start right now.
As everybody knows, vim is a wonderful editor which offers no way for a plugin to track modifications on a buffer. For that reason Coquille depends on a set of heuristicts collected in vimbufsync to detect modifications in the buffer. You will need to make this plugin available in your runtime path (it can be installed as a pathogen bundle as well) if you want Coquille to work.
Once that is done, installing Coquille is just as simple as doing :
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone
Not that by default, you will be in the pathogen-bundle
branch, which also
ships Vincent Aravantinos syntax and indent scripts for Coq, as well
as an ftdetect script.
If you already have those in your vim config, then just switch to the master
To launch Coquille on your Coq file, run :CoqLaunch
which will make the
commands :
- CoqNext
- CoqToCursor
- CoqUndo
- CoqKill
available to you.
By default Coquille forces no mapping for these commands, however two sets of mapping are already defined and you can activate them by adding :
" Maps Coquille commands to CoqIDE default key bindings
au FileType coq call coquille#CoqideMapping()
" Maps Coquille commands to <F2> (Undo), <F3> (Next), <F4> (ToCursor)
au FileType coq call coquille#FNMapping()
to your .vimrc
Alternatively you can, of course, define your owns.
You can run an arbitrary query command (that is Check
, Print
, etc.) by
calling :Coq MyCommand foo bar baz.
and the result will be displayed in the
Infos panel.
Note that the color of the "lock zone" is hard coded and might not be pretty in
your specific setup (depending on your terminal, colorscheme, etc).
To change it, you can overwrite the CheckedByCoq
and SentToCoq
groups (:h hi
and :h highlight-groups
) to colors that works better for you.
See coquille.vim for an example.
You can set the following variable to modify Coquille's behavior:
g:coquille_auto_move Set it to 'true' if you want Coquille to
(default = 'false') move your cursor to the end of the lock zone
after calls to CoqNext or CoqUndo
Because pictures are always the best sellers :