
This repo hosts the water body extraction from satellite images using DeeplabV3+ model.

Primary LanguagePython

Task : Water Body Segmentation using DeepLabV3plus

This project implements water body segmentation using the DeepLabV3+ model. Mainly focus on the importance of ASPP in Deeplab V3+ for extracting the water bodies. It includes code for training the model, evaluating its performance, and metrics calculations.

Files Required:

  • deeplabv3Ex.py: DeepLabV3+ model
  • train2.py: Training the model code
  • eval.py: Model evaluation code
  • metrics.py: Evaluation metrics code


git clone https://github.com/sunandhini96/Water_body_segmentation-DeepLabV3plus.git

cd Water_body_segmentation-DeepLabV3plus


Run the training script to train the model:

python train2.py

To evaluate the trained model:

python eval.py


The project uses RGB satellite images and corresponding masks from Sentinel-2 A/B satellite. You can obtain the dataset https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/franciscoescobar/satellite-images-of-water-bodies

Methodology: Deeplab V3+ Architecture



RGB image, True mask image, predicted mask image without ASPP, Predicted mask image with ASPP



If you use this code in your research, please cite our paper for more details.

More Details:

For a detailed explanation of the project and results, refer to our paper.