
powerful SQL toolkit; offering parsing, building, and migration capabilities.

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


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SQLize is a powerful migration generation tool that detects differences between two SQL state sources. It simplifies migration creation by comparing an existing SQL schema with Go models, ensuring seamless database updates.

Designed for flexibility, SQLize supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite and integrates well with popular Go ORM and migration tools like gorm (gorm tag), golang-migrate/migrate (migration version), and more.

Additionally, SQLize offers advanced features, including Avro Schema export (MySQL only) and ERD diagram generation (MermaidJS).


Default Behaviors

  • Database: mysql (use sql_builder.WithPostgresql() for PostgreSQL, etc.)
  • SQL syntax: Uppercase (e.g., "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?")
    • For lowercase, use sql_builder.WithSqlLowercase()
  • Table naming: Singular
    • For plural (adding 's'), use sql_builder.WithPluralTableName()
  • Comment generation: Use sql_builder.WithCommentGenerate()

SQL Tag Options

  • Format: Supports both snake_case and camelCase (e.g., sql:"primary_key" equals sql:"primaryKey")
  • Custom column: sql:"column:column_name"
  • Primary key: sql:"primary_key"
  • Foreign key: sql:"foreign_key:user_id;references:user_id"
  • Auto increment: sql:"auto_increment"
  • Default value: sql:"default:CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
  • Override datatype: sql:"type:VARCHAR(64)"
  • Ignore field: sql:"-"


  • Basic index: sql:"index"
  • Custom index name: sql:"index:idx_col_name"
  • Unique index: sql:"unique"
  • Custom unique index: sql:"unique:idx_name"
  • Composite index: sql:"index_columns:col1,col2" (includes unique index and primary key)
  • Index type: sql:"index_type:btree"

Embedded Structs

  • Use sql:"embedded" or sql:"squash"
  • Cannot be a pointer
  • Supports prefix: sql:"embedded_prefix:base_"
  • Fields have lowest order, except for primary key (always first)

Data Types

  • MySQL data types are implicitly changed:
	TINYINT => tinyint(4)
	INT     => int(11)
	BIGINT  => bigint(20)
  • Pointer values must be declared in the struct or predefined data types.
// your struct
type Record struct {
	ID        int
	DeletedAt *time.Time

// =>
// the struct is declared with a value
now := time.Now()
Record{DeletedAt: &now}

// or predefined data type
type Record struct {
	ID        int
	DeletedAt *time.Time `sql:"type:DATETIME"`

// or using struct supported by "database/sql"
type Record struct {
	ID        int
	DeletedAt sql.NullTime


  • Add the following code to your project as a command.
  • Implement YourModels() to return the Go models affected by the migration.
  • Run the command whenever you need to generate a migration.
package main

import (


func main() {
	migrationFolder := "migrations/"
	sqlLatest := sqlize.NewSqlize(sqlize.WithSqlTag("sql"),

	ms := YourModels() // TODO: implement YourModels() function
	err := sqlLatest.FromObjects(ms...)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("sqlize FromObjects", err)
	sqlVersion := sqlLatest.HashValue()

	sqlMigrated := sqlize.NewSqlize(sqlize.WithMigrationFolder(migrationFolder))
	err = sqlMigrated.FromMigrationFolder()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("sqlize FromMigrationFolder", err)


	fmt.Println("sql version", sqlVersion)

	fmt.Println("\n\n### migration up")
	migrationUp := sqlLatest.StringUp()

	fmt.Println("\n\n### migration down")

	initVersion := false
	if initVersion {
		log.Println("write to init version")
		err = sqlLatest.WriteFilesVersion("new version", 0, false)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("sqlize WriteFilesVersion", err)

	if len(os.Args) > 1 {
		log.Println("write to file", os.Args[1])
		err = sqlLatest.WriteFilesWithVersion(os.Args[1], sqlVersion, false)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("sqlize WriteFilesWithVersion", err)