
Apache Parquet format for Rust, hosting the Thrift definition file and the generated .rs file

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status License

Apache Parquet format for Rust, hosting the Thrift definition file and the generated .rs file.

Usage and Versioning Policy

This crate previously tracked the Parquet format versions, which made keeping semver guarantees sometimes challenging. As of version 3.0.0 of the crate, independent major versions are used whenever we update the Parquet format.

The below summarises the version mappings.

parquet-format parquet-format-rs
2.8.0 4.0.*
2.7.0 3.0.*
2.6.0 2.6.*
2.5.0 2.5.*
2.4.0 2.4.*

Updating Parquet format

parquet_format.rs is built using thrift 0.13. There are backwards incompatible changes that prevent us from updating to a later thrift version. For that reason we use Docker to build thrift 0.13 and compile the rust code as described below.

git clone https://github.com/apache/thrift
cd thrift
git checkout v0.13.0
# docker build just builds a docker image with thrift dependencies
docker build -t thrift build/docker/ubuntu-bionic
# build/docker/scripts/cmake.sh actually compiles thrift
docker run -v $(pwd):/thrift/src -it thrift build/docker/scripts/cmake.sh && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/parquet-format/apache-parquet-format-2.9.0/src/main/thrift/parquet.thrift && ./cmake_build/compiler/cpp/bin/thrift --gen rs parquet.thrift

Then copy the generated parquet.rs into src/parquetformat.rs and commit changes.

Note that the major version should be incremented when updating to a new Parquet format version.