
Ubuntu improvements

Primary LanguageShell


Ubuntu improvements

Ubuntu installation recommendations

The best choice is to use minimal install while installing Ubuntu Linux. Be sure to check in these two options.

Ubuntu install

Installation and running Sunderbuntu

Install git

sudo apt install git

Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/kabachoke/Sunderbuntu.git
cd Sunderbuntu

Run with sudo

sudo sh setup.sh

One line command

sudo apt install git && git clone https://github.com/kabachoke/Sunderbuntu.git && cd Sunderbuntu && sudo sh setup.sh


  • All snaps, snap-store and snapd removed fully
  • Firefox and Google-Chrome installed from apt
  • Installed basic system packages
    • linux-headers
    • dbus-x11
    • ntfs-3g
    • libfuse2
    • build-essential
    • python3 with pip and venv
  • Installed terminal software
    • htop
    • s-tui
    • inxi
    • bat (better cat utility)
    • nala (frontend for apt package manager)
  • Removed services
    • bolt.service
    • colord.service
    • cups-browsed.service
    • cups.service
    • fwupd.service
    • ModemManager.service
  • Gnome check-alive-timeout set to 30 sec
  • vm.max_map_count set to 16777216
  • DefaultTimeoutStopSec for services set to 15 sec