IMPORTANT: project is still under development. This is the documentation for a website featuring tiled gallery.
File Structure
###First-tier All pages are coded in php. All first-tier web pages are saved in root directory:
- index.php
- clients.php
- work.php
- contact.php
- /parts/header.php
- /parts/footer.php
header.php and footer.php are included in all pages.
- /works/innerPages.php
the "works" folder has all project detail pages. Note: When including header.php and footer.php, don't forget to update relative paths.
- /stylesheets/
this folder contains all css files.
- /js/
this folder contains all javascript files.
- /images/
this folder contains all images. All gallery thumbnails are saved on root level. All clients' logos are saved in "clients". All project detail inner page images are saved in "work-inner".
- /video/
this folder contains all video files
- /bower_components/
all supportive files. Do not touch.
- /source/
source files.
- /scss/
development sass files.
From Dev to Live
Files to Upload
- /bower_components/
- /clients.php
- /contact.php
- /images/
- /index.php
- /js/
- /parts/
- /stylesheets/
- /video/
- /work.php
- /works/
Link paths change
Development files are using document relative paths. However, when going live, please use root-relative paths. This issue will be resolved when I return from vacations. But before that, just use root-relative paths for header.php and footer.php
Get Rid of .php Extension
Don't forget to include .htaccess (on our server) to get rid of the extension.