
DEPRECATED: Use chef-client or chef-server

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IMPORTANT CHANGES - version 0.99.9

In the interest of user experience and clarity of intention, this cookbook is deprecated. It has been split into two cookbooks. For compatibility reasons, it will depend on the cookbooks it is split into and use the recipes from those cookbooks where applicable.

  • chef-client: All the client related configuration/setup.
  • chef-server: All the server related configuration/setup.


This cookbook is used to configure the system to be a Chef Client or a Chef Server. It is a complex cookbook, please read this entire document to understand how it works. For more information on how Chef itself works, see the Chef Wiki


Chef 0.8.16 or later is required.

Chef 0.9.0 or later is required to use the chef.init_style attribute value init, in order to have the init scripts available.


If using this cookbook to manage a Chef Server system that was installed from Debian/Ubuntu packages, note that in the packages, the configuration files are split up for server.rb, solr.rb and webui.rb, and the chef::server recipe may not work as desired.

A recent version of Ubuntu or Debian is recommended for the Chef Server.

  • Ubuntu 9.10/10.04
  • Debian testing/unstable

These versions have newer versions of CouchDB and RabbitMQ packaged.

chef::client is tested on Ubuntu 8.04+, Debian 5.0, CentOS 5.x, Fedora 10+, OpenBSD 4.6, FreeBSD 7.1 and Gentoo.

chef::bootstrap_client is tested on the above. OpenSolaris 11 is also tested, but there's a bug in Ohai that requires some manual intervention (OHAI-122).

chef::server is tested on Ubuntu 8.04+, Debian 5.0.

chef::bootstrap_server is tested on Ubuntu 8.04+, Debian 5.0.


runit cookbook is suggested for RubyGems installation. No other cookbooks are required for clients.


The chef::bootstrap_server recipe uses the following other cookbooks from Opscode.

  • couchdb
  • rabbitmq_chef
  • openssl
  • zlib
  • xml
  • java

The chef::server_proxy recipe uses the following cookbook:

  • apache2


The attributes for configuring the chef cookbook are under the chef namespace on the node, i.e., @node[:chef] or @node.chef.

When using the bootstrap recipe, set the desired attributes using a JSON file. See "BOOTSTRAPPING" for examples.


Sets the umask for files created by the server process via Chef::Config[:umask] in /etc/chef/server.rb


Set up the URLs the client should connect to with this. Default is http, which tells the client to connect to http://server:4000. If you set up your chef-server to use an SSL front-end for example with chef::server_proxy, set this to https for clients and the URLs will be https://server/.

By default the only URL config setting for Chef 0.8.x+ is Chef::Config[:chef_server_url]. The other older URLs are still supported so you can split out the various functions of the Chef Server, but configuration of those is outside the scope of this cookbook.


Specifies the init style to use. Possible values:

  • runit - uses runit to set up the service. Logs will be in /etc/sv/chef-client/log/main. Default value for this attribute.
  • init - uses init scripts that are included in the chef gem. Logs will be in /var/log/chef. Only usable with debian/ubuntu and red hat family distributions.
  • daemontools - uses daemontools to set up the service. Logs will be in /etc/sv/chef-client/log/main.
  • bluepill - uses bluepill to set up the service.
  • bsd - Prints a message with the chef-client command to use in rc.local.

If your platform doesn't have a runit package or if the cookbook doesn't detect it, but you still want to use runit, set init_style to none and install runit separately. You may need to configure the runit services separately.

Using the init value for this attribute will retrieve the init scripts that are distributed with the Chef gem.

This cookbook does not yet support Upstart for Ubuntu/Debian, but that is planned for a future release, and will be specified via this attribute.


This is the base location where Chef will store data and other artifacts. Default /srv/chef for RubyGems installed systems. If using Chef packages for your platform, the location preference varies. The default on Debian and Red Hat based systems is a filesystem hiearchy standard (FHS) suggestion. Some other locations you may consider, by platform:

Debian and Red Hat based Linux distros (Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, etc):

  • /var/lib/chef

Any BSD and Gentoo:

  • /var/chef


Location for pidfiles on systems using init scripts. Default /var/run/chef.

If init_style is init, this is used, and should match what the init script itself uses for the PID files.


Location where the client will cache cookbooks and other data. Default is cache underneath the chef[:path] location. Linux distributions adhering to the FHS prefer /var/cache/chef instead.

Base directory for data that is easily regenerated such as cookbook tarballs (Chef::Config[:cookbook_tarballs]) on the server, downloaded cookbooks on the client, etc. See the config templates.


Location where backups of files, corresponds to the file_backup_path location. Defaults to backup under chef[:path] location. Set to false to use the old behavior which stores the backup files in the same directory as the target.

FHS location suggestion: /var/lib/chef/backup.


Used by the Chef server as the base location to "serve" cookbooks, roles and other assets. Default is /srv/chef.


Version of Chef to install for the server. Used by the server_proxy recipe to set the location of the DocumentRoot of the WebUI. Automatically determined via ohai's chef_packages[:chef][:version] by default.


Version of Chef to install for the client. Used to display a log message about the location of the init scripts when init_style is init, and can be used to upgrade chef gem with the chef::bootstrap_client recipe. Automatically determined via ohai's chef_packages[:chef][:version] by default.


Number of seconds to run chef-client periodically. Default 1800 (30 minutes).


Splay interval to randomly add to interval. Default 20.


When init_style is init, this directory needs to be created. The default is /var/log/chef.

client_log, indexer_log, server_log

These options are deprecated to reduce complexity and potential confusion.


Port for the Server API service to listen on. Default 4000.


Port for the Server WebUI service to listen on. Default 4040.


As of version 0.8.x+, the WebUI part of the Chef Server is optional, and disabled by default. To enable it, set this to true.


Fully qualified domain name of the server. Default is chef.domain where domain is detected by Ohai. You should configure a DNS entry for your Chef Server.

On servers, this specifies the URL the server expects to use by default Chef::Config[:chef_server_url], plus it is used in the server_ssl_req as the canonical name (CN) and in server_proxy for the vhost name.

On clients, this specifies the URL the client uses to connect to the server as Chef::Config[:chef_server_url].


Full URI for the Chef Server. Used for chef_server_url config setting. The default value combines the attributes chef.url_type, chef.server_fqdn and chef.server_port, creating for example "http://chef.example.com:4000". If you are using the Opscode Platform, set this to "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/ORGNAME", where ORGNAME is your organization's simple string name.


The following attributes are used by the server_proxy.rb recipe, and are stored in the server_proxy.rb attributes file.


DocumentRoot for the WebUI. Also gets set in the vhost for the API, but it is not used since the vhost merely proxies to the server on port 4000.


Used by the server_proxy recipe, this attribute can be used to set up a self-signed SSL certificate automatically using OpenSSL. Fields:

  • C: country (two letter code)
  • ST: state/province
  • L: locality or city
  • O: organization
  • OU: organizational unit
  • CN: canonical name, usually the fully qualified domain name of the server (FQDN)
  • emailAddress: contact email address

This attribute is now in the server_proxy.rb attributes file, as it is specific to that context.


Sets expiration time for CSS in the WebUI.


Sets expiration time for JavaScript in the WebUI.


This section describes the recipes in the cookbook and how to use them in your environment.


The first two recipes described are for "bootstrapping" a system to be a Chef Client or Chef Server, respectively. Only use these recipes with RubyGems installations of Chef.

These recipes are typically used with chef-solo using a JSON file of attributes and a run list, and a solo config file. For more information see Bootstrap Chef RubyGems Installation on the Chef Wiki.


ONLY FOR RUBYGEMS INSTALLATIONS. Do not use this recipe if you installed Chef from packages for your platform.

Use this recipe to "bootstrap" a client so it can connect to a Chef Server. This recipe does the following:

  • Ensures the gem installed matches the version desired (client_version attribute).
  • Includes the chef::client_service recipe to ensure that chef-client is running as a service.
  • Sets up some directories for Chef to use.
  • Creates the client configuration file /etc/chef/client.rb based on the configuration passed via JSON.

For configuring a new client to connect to the Opscode Platform:

  "chef": {
    "server_url": "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/ORGNAME"
  "run_list": "recipe[chef::bootstrap_client]"

For configuring a new client to connect to a local Chef Server:

  "chef": {
    "server_url": "http://chef.example.com:4000"
  "run_list": "recipe[chef::bootstrap_client]"

This is the minimal JSON to use for the client configuration. See the ATTRIBUTES section above for more options.


ONLY FOR RUBYGEMS INSTALLATIONS. Do not use this recipe if you installed Chef from packages for your platform.

Use this recipe to "bootstrap" a system to become a Chef Server. This recipe does the following:

  • Includes the chef::bootstrap_client recipe to configure itself to be its own client.
  • Installs CouchDB from package or source depending on the platform.
  • Installs Java for the chef-solr search engine.
  • Installs RabbitMQ (rabbitmq_chef cookbook) for the chef-solr-indexer consumer.
  • Installs all the Server-related Gems.
  • Creates the server configuration file /etc/chef/server.rb based on the configuration passed via JSON.
  • Sets up some directories for the server to use.
  • Sets up the chef-server, chef-solr, chef-solr-indexer services depending on the init_style attribute (see above).

Minimal JSON to use for the server configuration:

  "chef": {
    "server_url": "http://localhost.localdomain:4000",
  "run_list": "recipe[chef::bootstrap_server]"

Note that the chef-server-webui is optional and can be enabled if desired by adding this to the JSON under "chef":

"webui_enabled": true


The client recipe is used to manage the configuration of an already-installed and configured Chef client. It can be used after a RubyGems installation bootstrap (per above), or with clients that were installed from platform packaging.

The recipe itself manages the /etc/chef/client.rb config file based on the attributes in this cookbook. When the client config is updated, the recipe will also reread the configuration during the Chef run, so the current Chef run can be dynamically changed.

This recipe does not manage the chef-client service. It is assumed to have been set up and started from the bootstrap_client recipe above, or from OS / distribution packaging. The chef-client service should not be restarted as a result of /etc/chef/client.rb changing, as that can cause the current process running the client to be restarted, having unpredictable results.


Use this recipe on systems that should have a chef-client daemon running, such as when Knife bootstrap was used to install Chef on a new system.

This recipe sets up the chef-client service depending on the init_style attribute (see above). It is included by the chef::bootstrap_client recipe.


There is no spoon :-).


Use this recipe to delete the validation certificate (default /etc/chef/validation.pem) when using a chef-client after the client has been validated and authorized to connect to the server.

Beware if using this on your Chef Server. First copy the validation.pem certificate file to another location, such as your knife configuration directory (~/.chef) or Chef Repository.


The server recipe includes the chef::client recipe above.

The recipe itself manages the services and the Server config file /etc/chef/server.rb. See above under Platform requirements for cavaet when running Chef Server installed via Debian/Ubuntu packages. Changes to the recipe to manage additional templates may be required.

The following services are managed:

  • chef-solr
  • chef-solr-indexer
  • chef-server
  • chef-webui (if installed)

Changes to the /etc/chef/server.rb will trigger a restart of these services.

Since the Chef Server itself typically runs the CouchDB service for the data store, the recipe will do a compaction on the Chef database and all the views associated with the Chef Server. These compactions only occur if the database/view size is more than 100Mb. It will use the configured CouchDB URL, which is http://localhost:5984 by default. The actual value used for the CouchDB server is from the Chef::Config[:couchdb_url], so this can be dynamically changed.


This recipe sets up an Apache2 VirtualHost to proxy HTTPS for the Chef Server API and WebUI.

The API will be proxied on port 443. If the chef-serer-webui is installed, it will be proxied on port 444. The recipe dynamically creates the OpenSSL certificate based on the chef.server_ssl_req attribute. It uses some additional configuration for Apache to improve performance of the webui. The virtual host template is chef_server.conf.erb. The DocumentRoot setting is used for the WebUI, but not the API, and is set with the attribute chef.doc_root.



VirtualHost file used by Apache2 in the chef::server_proxy recipe.


Configuration for the client, lands in /etc/chef/client.rb.


Configuration for the server and server components, lands in /etc/chef/server.rb. See above regarding Debian/Ubuntu packaging config files when using packages to install Chef.


Various runit "run" scripts for the Chef services that get configured when init_style is "runit".


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and